Hello Volunteers,
We were talking about Ajax on JSR-362 and I suggested they use OpenAjax
over there like we do in JSF. I looked into it and here's what I found.
>>>>> On Tue, 10 Dec 2013 12:00:17 -0800, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com> said:
EB> Hello Volunteers,
EB> As promised, here is the text from the JSF spec about usage of OpenAjax
EB> in the jsf.js file.
EB> 8<---------------
EB> 13.2 JavaScript Namespacing
EB> JavaScript objects that are not enclosed within a namespace are global,
EB> which means they run the risk of interfering, overriding and/or
EB> clobbering previously defined JavaScript objects. This section defines
EB> the requirements for implementations intending to use the JavaServer
EB> Faces 2.0 JavaScript API.
EB> The Open Ajax Alliance is an organization of leading vendors, open
EB> source projects, and companies using Ajax. Their prime objective is to
EB> accelerate customer success with Ajax, through the use of open
EB> standards. The Open Ajax Registry is an industry-wide Ajax registration
EB> authority managed by the OpenAjax Alliance. The Registry maintains
EB> industry- wide lists of Ajax runtime libraries to help prevent object
EB> collisions.
EB> There is a top level namespace jsf that is registered with the Open Ajax
EB> Alliance:
EB> Java Ajax: {
EB> namespaceURI:"
EB> version:"1.0",
EB> globals_to_approve:["jsf"],
EB> comments: "Used in the JSF 2.0 specification.",
EB> specificationURI:"
EB> email: "jsfaces_at_sun.com"
EB> }
EB> [P1-start openajax registration]If the OpenAjax library is available,
EB> libraries must register themselves using OpenAjax.registerLibrary() at
EB> the time when the JavaScript files are fetched and parsed by the
EB> browser\u2019s JavaScript engine. [P1-end]
EB> if (typeof OpenAjax != "undefined" &&
EB> typeof OpenAjax.hub.registerLibrary != "undefined") {
EB> OpenAjax.hub.registerLibrary("jsf", "www.sun.com", "1.0",
EB> null); }
EB> --
EB> 8<---------------
EB> Unfortunately, I now see this text on the website:
EB> "The following organizations were Members of OpenAjax Alliance at the
EB> time OpenAjax Alliance terminated formal operations:" A little research
EB> revealed this email about the termination:
EB> And this article, now nearly four years old.
EB> Basically, it seems OpenAjax is dead. Anyone care to comment on whether
EB> we should bother with it in JSR-362?
My question here in this group is: should we remove our mention and
usage of OpenAjax in the JSF spec?