>>>>> On Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:07:43 -0500, Kito Mann <kito.mann_at_virtua.com> said:
KM> +1 in general. With respect to @ViewScope, I think the spec should require
KM> a warning (I would prefer that it fail, actually.).
We'll stick with a FacesMessage warning in the page.
I just added a comment to the issue about this.
KM> Basically we're saying
KM> @ViewScope is incompatible with <f:view transient="true">, so why allow it
KM> at all? Silently changing the behavior is going to really annoy people --
KM> JSF does that enough :-).
Based on preliminary discussion between Manfred and Hanspeter, it seems
possible we can make @ViewScoped work with <f:view transient="true">,
but the work is too risky for this late stage.
Therefore, I'd rather stick with the warning now and remove the warning
than simply disable it.
I've filed JAVASERVERFACES-2761 to track this warning message, and
Manfred has agreed to implement it.