
[jsr344-experts] PRD Review and pending issues

From: Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 13:41:17 -0500


I have checked PRD documentation and I have noticed some pending points that
it could be good to keep in mind. This is important feedback, and in my
opinion these points needs to be solved.

Faces Flow

- It seems there are still some examples using the old syntax inside .xhtml
files and there are people who still believes that syntax is valid, but
in the spec documentation there are only two ways to define a flow: using
xml file and using @FlowDefinition.

- In JSF 2.2 section 7.5.1, it says something like this:

"... When the application containing these flows is deployed, the runtime
discovers the flow definitions and adds them to the internal flow data
structure. One flow is defined in flow-b-flow.xml. The other flow is defined
in FlowA.java, an @Named bean with the @FlowDefinition annotation. ..."

That's ok, but I think it is not clear that flow-b-flow.xml is a xml file
that has a <faces-config> definition inside (note I'm speculating here).
I suppose that file should allow only a subset of <faces-config> (navigation
rules, managed beans definitions maybe components/renderers?), or maybe
it is open to define anything that can be defined in a faces-config (which
I doubt it). And how @FlowDefinition works? the documentation doesn't
say anything, so I just can't say anything. In my opinion, this part has
sense but it requires some clarifications first.

- In JSF 2.2 section, it talks about "Packaging Faces Flows
  in JAR Files". Take a look at these lines:

"... Any flow nodes included in the jar must be located within sub entries
of the META-INF/flows/<flowName> JAR entry, where <flowName> is a JAR
directory entry whose name is identical to that of a flow id in the
corresponding faces-config.xml file. ..."

What is a "flow node"? is it a real view that JSF can load? does that
means that the vdl should be able to load files under
META-INF/flows/<flowName> like if they were in a webapp directory?.

Note according to the previous answers, it should be some changes or
clarification about how ResourceHandler.createViewResource() works.

View Actions

- The changes previously proposed are still pending, so any snapshot to
check how they should looks like is welcome.

Application.createComponent(FacesContext context, String taglibURI,
      String tagName, Map<String,Object> attributes)

Here we have an implementation dependency between the VDL and the Application
object. It says that it creates a component given a VDL, so it means
Application object must call an implementation-specific method from the VDL
(in facelets case a cast to FaceletsViewDeclarationLanguage and a call),
because the VDL class does not provide a method from the base class. I think
it does not suppose a problem, just something to take note. Maybe provide a
default method in ViewDeclarationLanguage can be useful, so if you create a
VDL wrapper, you can override that one too.

Resource Library Contracts / Resource Handler

I think the only pending point in this part is make some clarifications about
how and when ResourceHandler.createViewResource() can be called.

It is clear that the idea of this method is allow facelets or any other VDL
to use ResourceHandler API to load resources used during view construction
(templates, view definitions, ...) .

According to the new spec, we have some special places that store view related

- META-INF/flows/<flow-name>/... : files there should be dealt as views.
- META-INF/contracts/<contract-name>/... : files there are not views but the
VDL should be able to load resources like templates that are used when a view
is processed. It also contains other resource files like .css, .png and so on
that the ResourceHandler should be able to locate and serve them. It also
contains composite component files.
- META_INF/resources/... : Contains resource files like .css, .png and so on
that the ResourceHandler should be able to locate and serve them. It also
contains composite component files.

This looks great. The important part is there is a difference between files
that can use the VDL to create views and files that can use the VDL while
is building views (like templates).

Since we have 3 different concepts here, it should be 3 different methods to
deal with this (better names for the methods are welcome):

- ResourceHandler.createResource(...) : load files served by ResourceHandler
and files that can be used while a view is being built like composite
components or templates, but those files should never be served by
ResourceHandler.handleResourceRequest() (excluded using
"javax.faces.RESOURCE_EXCLUDES" web config param).

- ResourceHandler.createViewTemplateResource(
    FacesContext context, String resourceName) : load template files from
META-INF/contracts/<contract-name>/... , META_INF/resources/... and
webapp directory. By default it calls createResource() method. Facelets
algorithm should be updated to use this method.

- ResourceHandler.createViewResource(
    FacesContext context, String resourceName) : load files inside
META-INF/flows/<flow-name>/... and webapp directory by default. Some changes
in JSF 2.2 section 2.2.1 could be required. The idea is do some changes over
ViewDeclarationLanguage.viewExists(FacesContext facesContext, String viewId)
method (if the returned Resource instance is null, the resource does not
exists or maybe a custom method is a good idea) and make the VDL use this
method to get the views.

I think the proposed change has a lot of sense. It effectively make a
distinction between resources that can create a facelet that derive a view
and resource that can create a facelet that are used as templates. It
enforces the concept that that views cannot be included in resource
library contracts. It defines that view can be defined as part of a flows
(I'm under the assumption that a "flow node" by definition is a view).


This is it. I know time's up but if I see something else, anyway I'll send
the feedback as soon as possible. Suggestions are welcome.


Leonardo Uribe