
[jsr344-experts] Re: PRD Review and pending issues

From: Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 16:56:57 +0100

Hi Leonardo,

with your proposal it is no longer possible to have false positives as discussed in http://java.net/projects/javaserverfaces-spec-public/lists/users/archive/2012-11/message/89

IMO, the only problem left is using ui:include from a composite component. Shouldn't we simply specify that in that case we require absolute references?

Ciao Frank

Am 17.01.2013 um 04:02 schrieb Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>:

> Hi
> After thinking about the problem of ResourceHandler.createViewResource(),
> I have an idea about how we can fix this part. Let's start for the
> beginning (I'll do a small summary, fixing some parts to align the
> concepts with the proposal, sorry if it becomes too repetitive):
> According to the new spec, we have some special places that store view related
> resources:
> - META-INF/flows/<flow-name>/... : files there should be dealt as views.
> - META-INF/contracts/<contract-name>/... : files there are not views but the
> VDL should be able to load resources like templates that are used when a view
> is processed. It also contains other resource files like .css, .png and so on
> that the ResourceHandler should be able to locate and serve them. It also
> contains composite component files.
> - META_INF/resources/... : Contains resource files like .css, .png and so on
> that the ResourceHandler should be able to locate and serve them. It also
> contains composite component files.
> Since we have 3 different concepts here, it should be 3 different methods to
> deal with this:
> - ResourceHandler.createResource(...) : (simplifying) resources loaded
> using this method should scan these locations:
> * META-INF/contracts/<contract-name>/... in the classpath
> * META_INF/resources/... in the classpath
> * /resources/... in webapp folder
> - ResourceHandler.createViewTemplateResource(
> FacesContext context, String resourceName) : load template files from
> these locations:
> * /... in webapp folder
> * META-INF/contracts/<contract-name>/...
> - ResourceHandler.createViewResource(
> FacesContext context, String resourceName) : load files from these
> locations:
> * /... in webapp folder
> * META-INF/flows/<flow-name>/...
> Note it is necessary to define ordering of precedences here, but I'm
> suggesting do it in this way.
> How a facelet resource should be loaded?
> - If the vdl is building a view by first time, call createViewResource(...).
> - If a template is being loaded, call createViewTemplateResource(...).
> - If a template is being loaded AND the call is relative,
> call createViewTemplateResource(...).
> - If a template is being loaded AND it is called from a composite
> component or comes
> from a composite component AND the call is absolute use
> createViewTemplateResource(...).
> - If a template is being loaded AND it is called from a composite
> component or comes
> from a composite component AND the call is relative, use createResource(...).
> using the libraryName from the composite component (if any).
> - If a composite component is being loaded, use createResource(...).
> To resolve a relative reference of a template, the suggested way is use the
> "nearest parent" libraryName and the base "resourceName" or "path" of the
> parent template.
> The proposal also suggest that Resource instances loaded from resource library
> contract path has precedence over anything, which means if there are two
> resources:
> META-INF/contracts/contractA/x.css
> and
> META-INF/resources/x.css
> In a call to createResource("x.css"), the instance returned will be the one
> inside contracts. But the other side of the coin is that templates resolved
> in a relative way can be overriden from a resource library contract, which
> doesn't sound good, so maybe the precedence in createResource("...") should
> be changed (it is up to you guys to decide which alternative is better).
> Note the solution proposed has effects like that in theory it is possible
> to create a composite component inside a resource library contract.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2013/1/16 Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>:
>> Hi Frank
>> 2013/1/16 Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de>:
>>> Hi Leonardo,
>>> Am 15.01.2013 um 20:37 schrieb Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>:
>>>> Thinking about this, I think a good idea could be add a method to
>>>> Resource interface to get the last modified time.
>>>> public Long getLastModified()
>>>> return null if no lastModified time can be returned.
>>> This method would be really helpful, but I wouldn't allow null to be returned, so I'd use the primitive long as return value.
>> Ok. good to know that. The idea of the null is to know when there is
>> no lastModified time, but maybe a -1 is better.
>>> There will be an issue with decorating existing resources and overwriting only getLastModified. userAgentNeedsUpdate and getResponseHeaders won't call the decorated version of getLastModified. So on decorated resources all 3 methods must be implemented, which is not very comfortable.
>> The same hypotethical issue exists between userAgentNeedsUpdate and
>> getResponseHeaders too, but the important consideration is how often
>> is required to modify the last modified time? For "static" resources
>> it will be always the same value, so the wrapper will not modify them.
>> For resources that needs to be generated once (css + inner EL
>> expressions), the same consideration applies (will not be modified).
>> Resource instances like the one required by a captcha component (an
>> image that is generated in a unique way per session), will have
>> different implementations in those methods (usually getResponseHeaders
>> return null userAgentNeedsUpdate return true and getLastModified
>> return 0 or -1).
>> In conclusion, in my opinion we shouldn't worry about that detail,
>> because once these methods are defined, by the "nature" of the
>> underlying Resource those implementations does not change.
>>> Ciao Frank
>>>> 2013/1/15 Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de>:
>>>>> Hi Leonardo,
>>>>> I recently provided a patch for Mojarra to solve this problem, which Manfred merged into the trunk ( http://java.net/projects/mojarra/sources/svn/diff/trunk/jsf-ri/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/facelets/impl/DefaultFacelet.java?rev1=11384&rev2=11385 ).
>>> Does this answer obsolete your older comments on resource library contracts?
>> No. I think use the alias for the calculation is not the right way to
>> do it, because the alias has another different meaning. For example,
>> in MyFaces the alias is prefixed according if is a facelet, view
>> metadata facelet or a composite component facelet. If I remember well,
>> the alias was used in the id generation, but I changed that part in
>> MyFaces with a better concept ( faceletId ). So, in MyFaces at the end
>> the "alias" is used only as debug information.
>> In this case, DefaultFacelet must be modified to store the contextual
>> library / resource and use that information to derive a relative
>> resource. Suppose a composite component located in
>> META-INF/resources/my.composite.component/simplecc.xhtml . It there is
>> a reference to
>> <ui:include src="dir1/resource.xhtml"/>
>> The resource should be located in:
>> libraryName: my.composite.component
>> resourceName: dir1/resource.xhtml
>> Going back to the base example, if there is a file under
>> /templates/b.xhtml with a reference to:
>> <ui:decorate template="dir2/mytemplate2.xhml">
>> The resource should be located in:
>> libraryName: N/A
>> resourceName: /templates/dir2/mytemplate2.xhtml
>> Note if there is a resource in
>> META-INF/resources/templates/dir2/mytemplate2.xhtml, the resource
>> should not be taken into account (or maybe yes), because what we want
>> is resolve the resource in a relative way. The resolution process
>> inside a composite component is different than the resolution from a
>> template, but if the call is located inside a template called from a
>> composite component, it is relative to the composite component
>> library.
>> Really this part is still open to interpretation, and it is clear we
>> need to get to an agreement about how this should work.
>> regards,
>> Leonardo Uribe
>>> Ciao Frank
>>>>> I'll answer more detailed tomorrow.
>>>>> Ciao Frank
>>>>> Am 15.01.2013 um 00:32 schrieb Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Right now, facelets derive the path using a call to:
>>>>>> new URL(from, path)