Recently I saw this change in the spec:
It claims that:
"... resourceHandler.createResource("css/images/background.png")
This is not valid and should never have been valid. ...."
I have some concerns about this one. Some time ago, I realize that reading
the spec in a strict way, libraryName should not contain slash caracters, but
the spec doesn't forbid slashes in resourceName.
JSF 2.0 spec section Resource Identifiers says this about libraryName :
"... The run-time must enforce the following rules to consider a
valid. A <resourceIdentifier> that does not follow these rules must
not be considered
valid and must be ignored silently.
- The set of characters that are valid for use in the localePrefix,
libraryName, and
resourceVersion segments of the resource identifier is specififed as
XML NameChar
excluding the path separator and ‘:’ characters. The specification for
XML NameChar
may be seen at
- A further restriction applies to libraryName. A libraryName must not be an
underscore separated sequence of non-negative integers or a locale string. More
rigorously, a libraryName must not match either of the following
regular expressions:
- [0-9]+(_[0-9]+)*
- [A-Za-z]{2}(_[A-Za-z]{2}(_[A-Za-z]+)*)?
so any libraryName that contain slashes like in the example
(components/mycomp) is considered invalid.
In that time, this issue was created:
In MyFaces dev list and stackoverflow site we received some feedback
about this one:
In few words, the problem is people already relies on the fact that
resourceName allow
slashes and take advantage of that. So, if resourceName is restricted
to do not allow slashes,
it will break code that works on JSF 2.0/2.1 .
My question is simple: which is the benefit of this change? Isn't this
make things harder?
After all, it is very useful to have a tree structure to organize
files inside a library, right?
I know originally, allow slashes was not intended, but I think in this
case we have to take a
look at how users really use JSF 2.0 stuff. For example, see this link:
Obviously, the problem resides on the fact that a resource can be
located using two different syntax.
For example, if a resource is located in
META-INF/resources/default/css/mystyles.css, you can retrieve it
<h:outputStylesheet library="default" name="css/mystyles.css"/>
<h:outputStylesheet name="default/css/mystyles.css"/>
Both generated request paths are different but the served resource is the same.
Leonardo Uribe