
[jsr344-experts] [ADMIN] Public Review Draft Release Candidate 1

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 19:44:11 -0700

Hello Volunteers,

I've created a snapshot of the spec to serve as Public Review Draft
Release Candidate 1 [1]. As before, the only difference between [1] an
the nightly in maven.java.net is that [1] has the PDF built in. That's
important in this case because I'm asking you to take a look at the PDF
in particular.

I have a lot more work to do with it but it's suitable for review in our
group here.

There is one topic I need your help in deciding: the scope of the
multi-templating feature. Back in May I wrote some text in the spec
prose document and made an initial commit on the feature to the RI.

Since then, work on this feature has been stop-and-start. During one of
the "start" phases, we discussed the feature in an EG conference call.
Imre and Frank suggested we limit the scope of the feature from what was
shaping up based on the work I did in May. Just this week I had another
call with Frank about it, and I'm starting to think it's better to go
with the reduced scope. I'd like to get your thoughts on it. Let me
briefly describe the two sizes.

SETION: Full Multi-Templating

Take a look at section 10.2.2 in the PDF to get an idea of where I was
going with the feature in its full scope. Basically, the full scope of
the feature is to build a decently featured, but light weight CMS on top
of JSF.

Going even deeper, here is some text I wrote up recently describing the
full scope of the feature.


Multi-templating enables defining a contract that states what are the
logical areas of your application but leaves the visual styling and
spatial arrangement of those areas areas as an implementation detail.
If you code your application to that contract, than any multi-template
implementing that contract can be dropped in and used.

It is easier to talk about this feature after defining several roles,
each of which describes specific kinds of actions taken by individuals
filling that role.

Multi-template Author

  * Responsible for the visual style of the entire web application.

  * Responsible for the layout and arrangement of an entire web
    application. This usually means deciding the relative location of
    the navigation menu, side-bars, bottom matter etc. This may include
    design decisions that only apply for one part of the application.

  * Responsible to create one or more implementations of the visual
    style defined by the Multi-template Definer.

Multi-template Implementer

  * Provides one or more implementation of the contract defined by the
    Multi-template author.

Page Author

  * Responsible for content that fits into the template defined by the
    Multi-template author.

This feature enables the Multi-template Author to define a contract with
the following consequences

* if a Page Author follows that contract when designing their pages,
  any implementation of that contract will result in the design intent
  of the Multi-template Author being fulfilled.

* If a Multi-template Implementer follows that contract when designing
  their implementation of the contract, then their multi-template
  implementation can be used in any applicaction that was written to
  that contract.

Basic Q&A

What is a Multi-template?

  A multi-template is a JSF resource library that defines (and
  optionally also implements) a contract for the visual style of a web
  application, or a portion of a web application.

How do I create a Multi-template?

  Make a JSF 2.2 resource library with a "template.xml" file in its top
  level. This file is the contract declaration of the multi-template.

  * It tells the Page Author everything they need to know about how to
    write pages that conform to this Multi-template.

  * It tells the Multi-template Author the contract they need to
    fill so that page authors writing to the contract will get the
    desired results.

How does the runtime know what Multi-templates are available?

  At startup, the runtime discovers the available multi-templates by
  scanning the resource libraries.

How does the Page Author indicate that their pages should be influenced
by a multi-template?

  With configuration in the faces-config that maps multi-templates to
  areas of the application, or by explicitly declaring the
  multi-templates to be used in the <f:view> element.


SECTION: Reduced Multi-Templating

This is the scope advocated by Frank and Imre during our last conference
call. First, recall that we've already made it so facelets are loadable
from Resource Libraries. In fact, all facelets are now served via the
ResourceHandler.createViewResource() method.

We introduce an additional piece of metadata to the concept of a
Resource Library. Frank calls it a "resource prefix". We provide a
read/write property on the FacesContext for it. Thus, we have the
notion of the currently active resource prefix.

We modify the spec for ResourceHandler such that whenever a resource is
requested, we first check if we have one that declares it supports the
currently active resource prefix. If we do, it gets served by the
ResourceHandler. If not, we look for one without the prefix.

Care must be taken with respect to the Facelet cache.

SECTION: Considerations

I'm pretty convinced that we should go with the Reduced
Multi-Templating, but I want to get your thoughts before pulling it out
and rewriting it more simply.

While it is true that one can achieve the contract re-use of the Full
proposal with the Reduced proposal, the contract is informal, and you
really have to take the Resource Library apart to discover the contract
if you want to offer multiple Resource Library instances that look
different but have the same usage contract.

The JSF spec is already gigantic so adding a whole site management
system on top of it may not be the best choice.

ACTION: If you want to support the Full Multi-Templating scope, I need
to hear from you by 17:00 EST Monday 5 November 2012. At that point,
I'm going to start working on the Reduced scope in earnest. Of course,
I welcome feedback on the entire spec, any feedback is welcome.

If you have trouble accessing the PDF, please let me know and I'll fix



| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/
[1] http://java.net/projects/javaserverfaces-spec-public/downloads/download/JSF_2_2/spec_snapshots/javax.faces-api-2.2-SNAPSHOT-20121102-javadoc.jar