
[jsr344-experts] Re: [1111-PassThruElements] Proposal second version (was: First commit complete)

From: Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 10:23:52 +0200

Hi Experts,

I have some additional information.

Am 14.09.2012 um 16:36 schrieb <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>:

> PROPOSAL: Use TagDecorator approach to provide passthrough elements,
> falling back on a special Renderer if necessary.
> SECTION: Proposal History
> In the last EG conference call, on 20120808, Frank Caputo proposed a
> different approach to issue 1111 then Ed had been persuing. The group
> agreed the approach had merit, and Frank graciously agreed to prototype
> it. In the following days and weeks Frank's prototype took shape, with
> Ed giving occasional look-ins. Since 20120907, Ed has been working
> toward integrating the prototype into the trunk.
> SECTION: The Goal of the Feature
> The goal of this feature is to enable page authors to write almost
> entirely plain HTML (including HTML5) and let the runtime identify such
> markup as traditional JSF components. We want to minimize the "almost"
> in the previous sentence. A corollary of this minimization is that the
> range of HTML supported by the feature is maximized. The current
> proposal has the "almost" shrunk down to two requirements.
> 1. Declare the <http://java.sun.com/jsf> namespace in the Facelet view.
> 2. For each HTML markup that the page author wants to be considered as
> a
> JSF component, put at least one attribute in that namespace. Usually
> "id" is the chosen attribute.
> SECTION: Summary of Frank's TagDecorator approach
> Frank used the existing JSF 2.0 Facelets TagDecorator API to establish
> a
> mapping between the existing component/renderer pairings in the
> <http://java.sun.com/jsf/html> taglibrary and plain HTML markup. To
> this idea, Ed added the existing idea of a "Passthrough Renderer" to
> handle those cases where such a mapping does not exist or does not make
> sense.
> SECTION: Details
> This prototype data structure conveys the mapping. Obviously, we'll
> need to decide how best to specify the mapping. Some choices include:
> * A text table in the spec prose document PDF
> * Some kind of XML syntax in the standard-html-basic.xml renderkit
> private static enum Mapper {
> // TODO can we handle h:commandLink and h:outputLink?
> img("h:graphicImage"), body("h:body"), head("h:head"),
> label("h:outputLabel"), script("h:outputScript"),
> link("h:outputStylesheet"),
> form("h:form"), textarea("h:inputTextarea"),
> // TODO if we want the name of the button to become the id, we
> have to do .id("name")
> button("h:commandButton"),
> select(new ElementConverter("h:selectOneListbox", "multiple")
> // TODO this is a little bit ugly to handle the name as
> if it were jsf:id. we should not support this
> .id("name")
> .map("multiple", "selectManyListbox")),
> input(new ElementConverter("h:inputText", "type")
> // TODO this is a little bit ugly to handle the name as
> if it were jsf:id. we should not support this
> .id("name")
> .map("hidden", "inputHidden")
> .map("password", "inputSecret")
> .map("number", "inputText")
> .map("search", "inputText")
> .map("email", "inputText")
> .map("datetime", "inputText")
> .map("date", "inputText")
> .map("month", "inputText")
> .map("week", "inputText")
> .map("time", "inputText")
> .map("datetime-local", "inputText")
> .map("range", "inputText")
> .map("color", "inputText")
> .map("url", "inputText")
> .map("checkbox", "selectBooleanCheckbox")
> .map("file", "inputFile")
> .map("submit", "commandButton")
> .map("reset", "commandButton")
> .map("button", "button"));
> private ElementConverter elementConverter;
> private Mapper(ElementConverter elementConverter) {
> this.elementConverter = elementConverter;
> }
> private Mapper(String faceletTag) {
> elementConverter = new ElementConverter(faceletTag);
> }
> }
> The existing TagDecorator feature enables us to poke into the page
> compilation process and inspect the attributes on every tag in the
> Facelet page with minimal speed performance impact. If there are no
> attributes in the <http://java.sun.com/jsf> namespace, the custom
> TagDecorator takes no action. Otherwise, the following actions are
> taken.
> * All attributes declared in the <http://java.sun.com/jsf> namespace
> get
> set as proper UIComponent attributes, subject to any existing rules
> about attribute/property transparency.
> * All attributes without a namespace are set as passthrough attributes,
> in the existing <http://java.sun.com/jsf/passthrough> namespace, in
> Passthrough Attribute map on UIComponent.
> * The localName of the element is saved as a passthrough attribute
> under
> a special name given by the value of the symbolic constant
> Then, the mapping table is consulted. If the incoming markup matches
> an
> entry in the data structure, the internal representation of the tag is
> converted to be as if the page author had typed the tag from the
> <http://java.sun.com/jsf/html> taglibrary (with the above
> modifications). Otherwise, the internal representation of the tag is
> converted to be as if the page author had typed the jsf:element tag
> from
> the <http://java.sun.com/jsf> taglibrary (with the above
> modifications).

The mappings have a default. E.g. All select elements are converted to h:selectOneListBox, if they don't have multiple="multiple" (these are converted to h:selectManyListBox). All input elements with an unknown type attribute are converted to h:inputText (this is actually what w3c demands).

> The <jsf:element> tag causes a UIInput with a
> javax.faces.passthrough.Input Renderer to be placed in the tree. Here
> is the spec for this renderer.
> Decode Behavior
> Define a data structure that represents the following table.
> localName submittedValueAttributeName renderCurrentValue
> ========= =========================== ==================
> keygen name false
> <other elements to follow>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Look in the pass through attribute map for a key given by the value
> of
> the symbolic constant Renderer.PASSTHROUGH_RENDERER_LOCALNAME_KEY.
> If
> not found, throw a FacesException. Use the localName as the key into
> the preceding table. Find the submittedValueAttributeName entry for
> that key. Look in the passthrough attribute map for a key given by
> the value of the submittedValueAttributeName entry. If found, use
> that value to look in the requestMap. If the requestMap has a value,
> set it as the submittedValue of the UIInput. Aside from the
> previously mentioned FacesException, if none of the data structure,
> passthrough attribute map or requestMap lookups yields a value, take
> no action.
> Encode Behavior
> Look in the component's attribute map for an entry under the key
> given
> by the value of the constant
> Renderer.PASSTHROUGH_RENDERER_LOCALNAME_KEY. The value of this key is
> the element name to render. If the component has a manually declared,
> not auto-generated clientId, or if the component has behaviors
> attached to it, render the clientId as the value of the "id"
> attribute. Render the "name" attribute with the value coming from the
> clientId. Note that markup authors may set this value directly on the
> markup and the VDL processing must guarantee that the "name"
> attribute
> is set as the component's clientId. If the data structure has an
> entry
> for the localName, and the value of the renderCurrentValue is true,
> or
> the data structure has no entry for the localName, render the current
> value of the component as the value of the "value" attribute.
> Otherwise do not render the value of the component.

Can we have it implement ActionSource2 to make it also act like an action component (e.g. for the button tag) and handle it differently depending on the attributes (jsf:action or jsf:value)?

> SECTION: Open issues:
> - Our decision to standardize TagDecorator, but not provide default
> implementations for its helper classes has led to this feature being
> underutilized.
> It may be the case that we need to expose these helper classes as
> part
> of the work that is being done in 1111-passThroughElement.
> - How do we deal with the case when people try to use the feature
> outside the box in which they are allowed to use it? For example
> using <form method="GET">?
> This is actualy a benefit. Consider this text based on
> <http://html5doctor.com/the-output-element/>.
> <form jsf:id="form"
> oninput="o.value=parseInt(a.value)+parseInt(b.value)">
> <input jsf:id="a" name="a" type="number" step="any"> +
> <input jsf:id="b" name="b" type="number" step="any"> =
> <output jsf:id="o" name="o"></output>
> </form>
> The new system will handle this cleanly, and do the "right thing"
> with
> respect to the form as well. That's a win!
> - Revisit the contract between DefaultTagDecorator and
> HtmlResponseWriter.
> Frank's code gets the elementName and stores it as a TagAttribute
> instance in the tag's TagAttributes impl in the passThrough attribute
> namespace. The HtmlResponseWriter knows to look in the passThrough
> attribute set for a specially named attribute called "elementName".

This was a trick to get the button tag work quickly ;-) I thought passthrough attributes let us override attributes of the renderer, so why not override the element name?
We can also use it for keygen, if we map it to h:inputTextarea.

> My code has a component attribute
> Renderer.MARKUP_RENDERER_LOCALNAME_KEY that gets passed in from the
> PassThroughElementHandler.
> ACTION: Please respond by 09:00 EDT Tuesday 18 September 2012

In the prototype the user defined tag decorators don't see any jsf: attributes. Because my tag decorator applies first, they only see the converted tags.

Ciao Frank