
[jsr344-experts] Re: [971-Multi-Templating] Terms and Scope

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:04:25 -0700

>>>>> On Sun, 5 Aug 2012 17:21:41 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <lu4242_at_gmail.com> said:

EB> Question: Does it make sense to continue to separate the concepts of
EB> skinning and multi-templating, or should we just go ahead and declare
EB> right now that multi-templating is a super-set of skinning and stop
EB> talking about skinning altogether, just framing the discussion in terms
EB> of multi-templating?

LU> I agree with you about multi-templating is a super-set of skinning,
LU> but I think this issue is all about how to map resources.

Ok, I appreciate the luxury of waging the war on a single front.

LU> To define any skin, what you provide is a set of resources (css,
LU> images, ...) that can be used for an specific renderkit. To define
LU> multi-templating, you also provide another set of resources (xhtml,
LU> css, ...). In both, it is necessary to define some "extension points".
LU> For example, a skin requires define some selectors on the renderkit
LU> side. A multi-template requires to define an specific page layout
LU> (header, footer, navigation menu, ....) and so on.

KM> I think it's helpful to think about how this relates to skins/themes used
KM> by component libraries. We're not worrying about the actual CSS selectors,
KM> right? Just how to package up a set of resources and dynamically switch
KM> between them, correct?

Right, and taken together, all of these definitions comprise a contract.
Multi-template vendors define a contract and produce implementations of
that contract. App developers code their apps on the assumption that
they'll have an implementation of that contract on hand when they need

As with composite components, I want the contract for a multi-template
to be infused with convention-over-configuration, and be easy for humans
and tools to understand.

I see some stories right away.

* STORY_defineMultiTemplate Multi-template author defines multi-template
  and its usage contract.

* STORY_declareMultiTemplateUsage App developer declares parts of their
  app to use one-or more multi-templates.

* STORY_discoverDeclaredMultiTemplateUsage Runtime discovers which
  multi-templates are used by the page being rendered.

* STORY_useDiscoveredMultiTemplates Runtime finds implementations of
  those templates and uses them in the rendering of the page.

IO> +1 to "skip" skinning and make it part of "Multi-Templating" I am
IO> not really happy with that term (Template already being ambiguous in
IO> JSF), maybe we can find something better? Resource-Modules? Theming?
IO> .

FC> for me it is OK to use the term multi-templating, even if we go
FC> beyond the current proposal, because:

FC> - we actually need one term (I'm not the only one mixing skinning
FC> and multi-templating)

FC> - the world seems to be waiting for something under that term.

RESOLVED: We will talk of the feature as multi-templating with the
understanding that the feature is a super-set of skinning as
conventionally understood today.

LU> In few words, the big question is how to setup or map those resources.


LU> The change done is quite simple, just consider that after
LU> ResourceHandler.createResource(resourceName, libraryName) is called,

[... Leonardo cites a simple change to MyFaces...]

LU> update the spec renderkit javadoc. Anyway, multi-templating/skinning
LU> requires something else than this hack.

LU> The url provided by a Resource instance to be included in a view or
LU> page is affected by:

LU> 1. The current locale of the view.
LU> 2. The multi-templating/skinning configuration of the view.

LU> In other words, a requeriment for any multi-templating/skinning
LU> solution is that the generated Resource instances should contains all
LU> necessary information to derive both the locale an the
LU> multi-templating/skinning configuration, at least for derive the
LU> Resource instance.

Yes, this is a key requirement.

REQUIREMENT_MultiTemplateLocale Multi-Templates are entirely Locale
  aware and the Locale must be discovered for each request using the
  existing JSF Locale system.

LU> Multi-templating/skinning group resources together in a different way
LU> than some resources are grouped into a library, because you can expect
LU> a skin "extends" from other one, but that's not possible for a library
LU> (not sure about it, it is a controversial topic).

I don't know what you mean by "extend". I think multi-templates should
be a flat system, but it's possible for any given view to declare that
it wants to use several multi-template instances.

REQUIREMENT_MultiTemplateFlat there is no provision for multi-templates
  to extend from one-another. If an app developer requires multiple
  templates for a view, they may declare that multiple multi-templates
  may be used.

FC> I think you basically have the same question as me: Why limit this
FC> functionality to templates only? You want to be able replace any
FC> resource, right?

LU> Yes. As I said before, this topic is all about how to map resources.

FC> I think tying it to the library name is a good idea. Maybe we can
FC> have something like
FC> ResourceHandler.getDefaultLibraryName(FacesContext), which is simply
FC> a prefix for all resources requested in the given FacesContext. E.g:

FC> ResourceHandler.getDefaultLibraryName(FacesContext) returns "mobile"
FC> ResourceHandler.createResource("main.css", "css") becomes
FC> ResourceHandler.createResource("main.css", "mobile/css") If
FC> ResourceHandler.createResource("main.css", "mobile/css") returns
FC> null, use ResourceHandler.createResource("main.css", "css")

LU> It is an option, but it has its advantages:

LU> - It is only required to extend the concept of libraryName.
LU> - No need to update request url spec.

LU> and disadvantages.

LU> - If skinning/templating is built on top of libraryName, no changes in
LU> request url are required, but all limitations of libraryName applies,
LU> like do not allow '/' in libraryName, so the example proposed
LU> replacing libraryName with "mobile/css" is invalid according to
LU> current spec. See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-3454
LU> for details.

LU> I just wanted to notice that the option is on the table and that any
LU> other strategy has its trade-offs too.

LU> I think any solution should be built to allow:

LU> - Extensibility (theme A extends theme B).

As stated above, I don't like that idea. I prefer a mixin approach. I
think Leonardo calls this out as composition.

LU> - Packaging (a set of resources together into a single unit)


It must be possible to package a multi-template as a jar file, or as an
exploded directory. In both cases, the system must be able to
automatically discover all information necessary to use the
multi-template lazily, once per application initialization, without any
additional configuration being provided to the application. In other
words, "drop in and go". This will make it possible to offer
multi-templates as re-usable components in a software repository, such
as a maven repository.

LU> - Composition (allow multiple units to be dealt as a single
LU> "logical" unit).

What's the difference between this and Extensibility?

FC> From my point of view there is no need for configuration. If the
FC> developer want's it, she should simply create a
FC> ResourceHandlerWrapper and implement getDefaultLibraryName according
FC> to her needs.

LU> I don't know. I think it is worth to deal with the configuration
LU> problem from spec side. Otherwise, each vendor will reinvent the wheel
LU> over and over in this part.

LU> (the following part are just some ideas I have, sorry if the language
LU> is poor or difficult to understand)

LU> I have been thinking on something like faces navigation but for
LU> resources. For an specific view it is defined an "outcome" or
LU> "skin-name" or whatever and there is some kind of algorithm that
LU> defines the order of libraryNames that should be scanned for the
LU> specific resource, just like it is done for a localized resource
LU> (first look for a resource with some specific locale and if it does
LU> exists try to locate it without locale).

LU> Now, suppose you have two different sets of libraries: one for
LU> "skinning" resources one for "layout" resources. The configuration
LU> should be able to say: "if the skin-name is "x" and the libraryName to
LU> resolve is "skinning", the new skin-name is "p" ". If you have the
LU> skins [a, b, c] and layout [x, y] the possible combinations for
LU> skin-name should be [a-x, a-y, b-x, b-y, c-x, c-y]. If it is necessary
LU> to define where is the file for the resource with libraryName "layout"
LU> and resourceName "template1.xhtml" for the skin-name "b-x", both the
LU> skin-name of the current view and the libraryName are passed to some
LU> method, and it founds the rule that says for "b-x" if libraryName
LU> "layout" is passed the new skin-name is "x". At the end, the
LU> libraryName to use for "layout" is "x".

LU> So, we are "splitting" the problem in two (divide and conquer):

LU> - How to resolve a libraryName from a skin-name using some rules,
LU> abstracting "application scope" concepts like skinning, layout and
LU> others.
LU> - How to resolve a libraryName from another libraryName and find an
LU> specific resource, to solve Extensibility, Packaging and Composition.

Leonardo, would you agree that the preciding paragraph is really a way
to implement STORY_declareMultiTemplateUsage and

LU> Will it work? Maybe. It reuse existing concepts found in jsf and it is
LU> simple to do.

I like the idea of re-using existing concepts as much as possible,
certainly, but it took me a little while to understand that you were
just proposing a way to implement those two stories. I think we want to
make it more simple then you propose.

LU> Anyway, I don't know what are you guys thinking about this problem.
LU> I'm just trying to provide all information available about the topic,
LU> and specify some "criteria" to evaluate any proposed solution.

FC> I think you basically have the same question as me: Why limit this
FC> functionality to templates only? You want to be able replace any
FC> resource, right?

IO> +1 (I'd even love to see this for composite components - we probably
IO> have to "work" on the caching then, but still)

IO> I always like as basis an approach which can be coded, as is with
IO> ResourceHandler.getDefaultLibraryName(FacesContext), but maybe we
IO> should have: List<String>/String[]
IO> ResourceHandler.getDefaultLibraryNames(FacesContext ctx or whatever
IO> we need to map the libraries), which should then be checked one by
IO> one, so in your example that could be:

IO> ["mobile_dark","mobile"] so with resource css/main.css we get the following search order mobile_dark/css/main.css > mobile/css/main.css > css/main.css
IO> This way we get "theme extension".

IO> Concerning: (From Ed Burns logged work at 22/May
IO> http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-971)

EB> A multi-template is specified as a resource
EB> library that includes the file template.xhtml in its top level. Every
EB> Facelet VDL view in the application will be a template-client of this
EB> template. PENDING: there must be some way for an application to express
EB> which views should have the multi-template applied. Perhaps some kind of
EB> pattern matching system?

IO> Why automatically make template.xhtml the "template-host" of every
IO> VDL-view, why not use what we already have: <ui:composition
IO> templat"/{theme}/shoppingtemplate.xhtml">

IO> Doing so (with the ResourceHandler.getDefaultLibraryNames from above)

IO> a) We don't need pattern matching or other configuration options

IO> b) One can pick different base templates of the
IO> Theme/Multi-Templating for different "sections" of the site.

IO> c) We are - as far as I can see - done, if we change the
IO> ResourceHandling appropriately and use that for template discovery.

I'm very interested in any solution that gets us efficiently to "done".
Imre, can you think about it some more and we can talk on the telephone
so you can explain it to me?

IO> As the requested Facelet VDL needs to be written as a
IO> template-client anyway, I don't see a drawback in having to use
IO> <ui:composition> explicitly.

No, certainly not.


| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/