Is this just for completeness, or are customers actually seeing this?
If customers are seeing this, then whether we want to do this, depends
on whether we think that their use case is valid. If the uses cases are
valid (and these kinds of use cases often are), then the appropriate
thing to do would be to use a CopyOnWriteArrayList as the implementation
(even though we don't need the thread safety) and document the behavior
as vaguely as we desire. The only question is whether we would
guarantee that a listener added or removed would not be called during
the current event delivery (which is what using a CopyOnWriteArrayList
would give us) or whether we would want to be less definite and say that
the listener might be called. That decision comes down to whether our
desire for implementation flexibility outweighs the pain-in-the-ass
factor of the listener author needing to deal with the case where the
listener may be called.
-- Blake Sullivan
On 7/24/12 10:12 AM, Edward Burns wrote:
> Class javax.faces.application.Application has several methods that allow
> subscribing and un-subscribing for notification for System and
> ComponentSystem events. The spec must clarify that these methods must
> not be called during the handling of an event.
> ACTION: Is this ok with everyone?
> Ed