
[jsr344-experts] Re: [1089-PassThroughAttributes] PROPOSAL v3

From: Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 12:02:09 -0400

Hey Frank -

On 6/22/12 11:54 AM, Frank Caputo wrote:
>> For these folks (which, btw, is pretty much everyone at the moment, since jsfc is fairly limited in its current form),
> I think this depends on the page author. If she is a HTML developer, she uses jsfc, if she is a Java developer, she uses h:* (or af:* or p:* ...).

My impression was that jsfc usage was fairly limited at the moment,
though I suppose I do interact with more of the Java developer types. :-)

>> having a more convenient way to tack on pass through attributes would be a nice addition to the spec, regardless of what we do with jsfc.
> Absolutely right. But there is obviously a big opposition (even for enhancing jsfc).

Oh, I didn't really notice much in the way of opposition. Maybe I
missed something? Seems like so far folks on this thread have been
generally supporting of the ideas that we have been discussing.

Now I am curious: anyone out there finding the notion of trying to
optimize the JSF authoring experience for HTML-centric users to be a bad
