
[jsr344-experts] Re: [jsr344-experts mirror] Re: [730-TaskFlows] PROPOSAL

From: Frank Caputo <frank_at_frankcaputo.de>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 17:37:36 +0200

Am 15.05.2012 um 12:51 schrieb Bernd Müller <bernd.mueller_at_ostfalia.de>:

> Am 14.05.2012 18:04, schrieb Martin Marinschek:
>> Hi all,
>> I am reviewing as from Ed's presentation on con-fess:
>> - I don't think it makes sense to put the flow definition into VDL -
>> this has to be seperate (as snippets in the same format you would put
> I agree and suggest ONE such artefact for the complete flow.
> It's easier to find inconsistencies and conflict at one
> place than to look into many different files


>> in the faces-config)
>> - I do think an implicit flow makes sense (if you put all files into
>> this one folder, you will have implicitly created a flow already, as
>> long as you navigate within, you stay in the flow, when you navigate
>> out, you leave the flow or - and this will be interesting to decide
>> between these cases - you create a subflow) - however, you would need
>> to have hooks in the flow controller to take care of these cases
>> (getting into/leaving the flow)
>> - I don't understand why we need additional constructs like switches
>> etc. - for me a flow is just navigation as before. If you want to add
>> a switch, it should also be in the "normal" navigation, no?
>> best regards,
>> Martin
>> On 5/14/12, Bernd Müller <bernd.mueller_at_ostfalia.de> wrote:
>>> investigate on the examples. Work fine for me at the moment.
>>> However, it's difficult to get the basic idea for me personally.
>>> I hope to find more time to work with.
>>> One point: all *-javadoc.jar of may are empty. one has to
>>> look into the source
>>> Bernd
>>> Am 02.05.2012 15:21, schrieb Edward Burns:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 09:13:49 -0700, Edward Burns
>>>>>>>>> <edward.burns_at_oracle.com> said:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:03:10 -0600, David Schneider
>>>>>>>>> <david.schneider_at_oracle.com> said:
>>>> DS> Sorry for the late response, I've been a bit under the weather
>>>> lately.
>>>> DS> On 3/16/2012 9:01 AM, Edward Burns wrote:
>>>> DS> This flow is used to create/edit some type of data record (e.g. a
>>>> DS> customer contact, employee, etc.). The flow's starting point, its
>>>> DS> 'default activity', is indicated with the green halo.
>>>> EB> Obviously the router is an embodiment of some logic. How is the
>>>> logic
>>>> EB> encoded? A java method invocation? I don't have "Router Activity"
>>>> EB> correctly represented in the proposal [1]. David, can you please say
>>>> EB> what I should put for "Router Activity"?
>>>> DS> In ADF a router activity is the control flow equivalent of a switch
>>>> DS> statement. It consists of a sequence of EL value expressions and an
>>>> DS> outcome value to be generated if the EL evaluates to 'true'. There's
>>>> DS> also a default outcome to be generated if none of the expressions
>>>> DS> evaluate to 'true'. In theory the same thing can be done with a
>>>> single
>>>> DS> Java method call but we found in some cases developers preferred being
>>>> DS> able to use metadata instead of code, especially if IDE support is
>>>> DS> available for generating the metadata.
>>>> EB> Thanks, I've updated the proposal.
>>>> In the 25 business days since this email, I've been hard at work on
>>>> building a protype of this feature and I have something that I hope will
>>>> stimulate EG discussion.
>>>> Details about the prototype
>>>> ===========================
>>>> A very early, yet functional, prototype of the feature exists in the
>>>> nightly builds of mojarra. To evaluate the prototype, take the
>>>> org.glassfish:javax.faces:2.2.0-SNAPSHOT jar from maven.java.net and
>>>> drop it into GlassFish 3.1.1 or later. The Mojarra trunk workspace has
>>>> three test projects that exercise the extent of the prototype. These
>>>> tests are located in the test/web-profile/flow directory of the Mojarra
>>>> workspace. Unfortunately, due to [1], the jar artifact produced from
>>>> the mojarra-cdi-extension project within that directory is necessary to
>>>> put into WEB-INF/lib to enable the feature to work. The three simple
>>>> tests can be examined in their increasing order of complexity
>>>> basic
>>>> basic-multi-page
>>>> intermediate
>>>> The intermediate one is only partly fleshed out and is based on a design
>>>> given to me by David Schneider.
>>>> Details about the specification of the feature
>>>> ==============================================
>>>> ACTION: Experts, please follow the review instructions in this paragraph
>>>> and followup to this email with your feedback. I need significant
>>>> discussion to happen on this thread and reach some kind of consensus by
>>>> 15 May.
>>>> Please take a look at the latest published generated specification in
>>>> the -javadoc.jar for the javax.faces:javax.faces-api:2.2-SNAPSHOT [2]
>>>> Within there, view the class javadocs for javax.faces.flow.FlowHandler.
>>>> Start here when reviewing the specification of the feature. Once you've
>>>> reviewed that class, look at the other classes in the javax.faces.flow
>>>> package. Once you've done that, look at the VDLDoc for the new "Faces
>>>> Flows" tag library. This can be accessed by clicking on the "Facelets
>>>> Tag Documentation" link in the top navigator and selecting the "Faces
>>>> Flows" tag library. Of all the prototype work in the spec and
>>>> implementation, this part is the most raw, so please bear that in mind
>>>> when reviewing.
>>>> This is the last revision of the spec I'm making before coming to Martin
>>>> Marinschek's CON_FESS conference next week [3]. Perhaps we'll have some
>>>> time to informally discuss the feature there, but I am not going to go
>>>> for a formal EG meeting during the CON_FESS this year.
>>>> I sincerely hope this elicits some discussion.
>>>> Ed
>>>> [1] http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-2404
>>>> [2] type javax.faces:javax.faces-api:2.2-SNAPSHOT in to the search box
>>>> at <maven.java.net>. Select the -javadoc.jar artifact in the tree
>>>> browser. Select the Archive Browser tab. Expand the tree browser
>>>> within the Archive Browser tab and click on index.html. Click on "JSF
>>>> API Documentation".