
[jsr344-experts] Re: Re: [jsr344-experts mirror] Re: [730-TaskFlows] PROPOSAL

From: David Schneider <david.schneider_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:03:10 -0600

Sorry for the late response, I've been a bit under the weather lately.

On 3/16/2012 9:01 AM, Edward Burns wrote:
> DS> This flow is used to create/edit some type of data record (e.g. a
> DS> customer contact, employee, etc.). The flow's starting point, its
> DS> 'default activity', is indicated with the green halo.
> Obviously the router is an embodiment of some logic. How is the logic
> encoded? A java method invocation? I don't have "Router Activity"
> correctly represented in the proposal [1]. David, can you please say
> what I should put for "Router Activity"?
In ADF a router activity is the control flow equivalent of a switch
statement. It consists of a sequence of EL value expressions and an
outcome value to be generated if the EL evaluates to 'true'. There's
also a default outcome to be generated if none of the expressions
evaluate to 'true'. In theory the same thing can be done with a single
Java method call but we found in some cases developers preferred being
able to use metadata instead of code, especially if IDE support is
available for generating the metadata.
