
[jsr344-experts] [869-CSRF] Proposal

From: Ed Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:02:59 -0700


ACTION: Please review and respond by 23:59 EDT Tuesday 26 July 2011.

SECTION: Issue Recap

>>>>> On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 10:44:27 -0400, Roger Kitain <roger.kitain_at_oracle.com> said:

RK> The original CSRF proposal was based off of Kito's proposal. It used two
RK> algorithms:
RK> 1. form approach - generated token set as form hidden field and sent
RK> in request
RK> 2. url approach - generated token appended in url and sent

RK> 1. Why didn't it make it in to 2.1?

RK> The EG was late in responding with comments. At the 24th hour, Alexandr
RK> Smirnov
RK> raised some concerns outlined here:
RK> http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/jsr-314-open-mirror/2010-October/000410.html
RK> In a nutshell, he raised two concerns:
RK> a. additional "token" parameter increases size of generated html
RK> code - we already
RK> have the viewid parameter that is passed.

Alexander suggested:

AS> JSF forms always contain viewId parameter, so adding encoded token
AS> to that field will have minimal side effects. That token should be
AS> checked by StateManager before restoring view.

RK> b. For the "URL" approach with token, it protects the whole
RK> application - so, for example,
RK> user has to have a secure token - there should be per page
RK> security configuration.

RK> Blake and Andy also had concerns (although Andy was initially ok with it
RK> per this email
RK> thread:

On 10/22/10 10:32 AM, Andy Schwartz wrote:

AS> Thanks for the comments Roger.

On 10/22/10 9:37 AM, Roger Kitain wrote:

RK> Custom forms would need to follow the new rendering requirements for
RK> CSRF (described in
RK> renderkit docs).

AS> I reviewed the relevant render kit docs:

RK> Render a hidden field named javax.faces.Token using the
RK> ResponseStateManager.VIEW_TOKEN_PARAM constant if the configuration
RK> option javax.faces.CSRF_ALGORITHM is set to either of the key words
RK> form or all. The name must be namespaced with the enclosing form's
RK> client identifier. Render the value of this hidden field, known as
RK> the "token value", as a cryptographically produced random generated
RK> value (known as the "secret key") retrieved from the session. If the
RK> "secret key" does not already exist in the session, create the random
RK> value and store it in the session. Implementations may choose to
RK> produce a more complex token value by combining the random "secret
RK> key" with other values. The default value for the
RK> javax.faces.CSRF_ALGORITHM configuration option is none

AS> This seems okay, however: doesn't the FormRenderer and the
AS> RestoreViewPhase implementation need to be in sync on what the
AS> token/secret key is? Is there a way to do this without replacing the
AS> Lifecycle?

RK> In 2.2, we could further simplify this by providing API "hooks".
RK> By default, CSRF is not enabled, so existing apps continue to work.

AS> Cool. I still want to make sure that when this is enabled we have
AS> some way that custom form components can participate (even if this
AS> means some work for the form component/renderer implementation).

AS> Oh, btw, one thing that I was still unclear on... Are we also solving
AS> the double-submit problem - ie. do we re-generate the token on each
AS> submit?

It is very seductive to couple the solutions to these two related
problems into one solution, but I think we need to just solve the CSRF
one right now. The need for a status tracking mechanism in the case of
the double submit problem (as mentioned in this article I found on the
interwebs <http://www.netlobo.com/form_double_submit.html>) separates
the two problems very clearly. With a CSRF failure, it is sufficient to
always send the user to the error-page, but with double submit, it is

RK> 2. What do we need to do to make it into 2.2?

RK> Possibly look at more fine grained control - maybe at the view level.

SECTION: Rewrite of Roger's 20100930 Proposal

I'd like to reduce the config logic to a simple on/off status. None of
this "all", "none", "form", or "both" business. If the CSRF protection
feature is turned on at all, we use "both". If it is not turned on, we
use "none". I justify this simplification by pointing to our strong
commitment to supporting portlets.

To that end, consider Neil Griffin's comment from 20100921:

NG> #1 is probably not compatible with portlets. Portals are in full
NG> control of creation of URLs in general, and it is not possible to
NG> simply append "&javax.faces.Token=XYZ" to a portal's ActionURL and
NG> expect it to work.

Because we are always doing both, is it reasonable to specify that a
portlet bridge implementation must take whatever action is necessary to
remove or massage the token so that things work as expected?

Also, I propose we use configuration markup in <faces-config-extension>
instead of introducing a new config parameter.

This proposal does the following:

- Token is generated on the server consisting (minimally) of a randomly
  generated "secret key" (stored in session). The token can be generated
  upon session creation, or, at the time the token hidden field and/or
  token Url parameter is produced.

- Define a <cross-site-request-forgery-protection> element, to be
  declared in the <faces-config-extension> element. If this element
  exists, and contains one or more <web-resource-collection> elements,
  the CSRF protection is said to be enabled for those views that are
  encompassed by the <url-pattern> elements in the
  <web-resource-collection> elements. Otherwise, the CSRF feature is
  not enabled for the application.

- If the CSRF feature is enabled, it must only be applied to those views
  named in the <web-resource-collection> elements. For those views,
  token is produced by both of the following values:

      a. "form" : token is produced as the value of the hidden field with the name
         <form client id>:javax.faces.Token where <form client id> is the
         enclosing form's client identifier (produced with getClientId) - i.e.
         the hidden field is namespaced using the form's client identifier.
      b. "url" : token is produced and appended as a parameter to the form's
         action Url with the same name as in [a].

- After render time, a subsequent action will send the token to the server.
- Restore View Phase processing compares the incoming token request parameter
  value with the token value generated from the secret key in the session.

Spec Document Modifications:

Section 7.5.1:


If the current view is one of the views to which CSRF protection should
be applied, the returned URL must contain the parameter with a name
consisting of the form's fully namespaced client identifier, the
NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR and the constant defined by
ResponseStateManager.VIEW_TOKEN_PARAM. The value of this parameter,
known as the "token value" must be a cryptographically produced random
generated value (known as the "secret key") retrieved from the session.
If the "secret key" does not already exist in the session, create the
random value and store it in the session. Implementations may choose to
produce a more complex token value by combining the random "secret key"
with other values.

Section 2.2.1

 If the current view is one of the views to which the CSRF protection
 should be applied, verify the "javax.faces.Token" request parameter
 value is the same as the token value generated from the "secret key"
 stored in the session. If the values do not match, throw a meaningful
 exception. The exception message must not include the token value.
 This enables the error-page mechanism to be employed.

Standard RenderKit Docs

- Form Rendering

If the current view is one of the views to which the CSRF protection
should be applied, render a hidden field named javax.faces.Token using
the ResponseStateManager.VIEW_TOKEN_PARAM constant. The name must be
namespaced with the enclosing form's client identifier. Render the
value of this hidden field, known as the "token value", as a
cryptographically produced random generated value (known as the "secret
key") retrieved from the session. If the "secret key" does not already
exist in the session, create the random value and store it in the
session. Implementations may choose to produce a more complex token
value by combining the random "secret key" with other values.

| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/