This is Blake response:
The issue is that the cases that don't work aren't hacks. If anything,
they are the way we expect our users to use composite components. I
worry that by carving out an exception, we complicate the use of
composite components if the page author has to look at each composite
component to determine whether it happens to be a NamingContainer or not.
I agree that fixing findComponent is not trivial, however remembering
the original child locations isn't exactly rocket science either.
Can you provide an example of where fixing findComponent would cause any
problems with invokeOnComponent or visitTree? As I wrote before, we
aren't modifying the generated clientIds for the relocated components so
I don't understand why a change to findComponent would have any effect
on clientId-based behavior.
2011/7/7 Leonardo Uribe <>:
> Hi
> This answer is from some days ago, but it wasn't sent to
> jsr344-experts list, so I resend it to continue the discussion on this
> list:
> Hi
> 2011/7/1 Blake Sullivan <>:
>> Leonardo,
>> I agree that you can get rid of the restriction in a very limited case, but
>> is it worthwhile to make such a change? The reason the composite components
>> are NamingContainers is to ensure isolation from the consuming page. Your
>> solution to avoiding id conflicts in this case was to not set any ids in
>> your composite component definition. This precludes the definition from
>> EVER using any id-based services, such as <f:ajax> within its definition.
>> In addition, your proposal does nothing to address abstraction failure
>> issues regarding whether a composite component implementation happens to use
>> NamingContainers as part of its implementation.
> The intention is just allow the "exception", that theorically is
> working on MyFaces without change anything. It is clear there will be
> some hacks that just will not work, but the same is true for cases
> that right know depends on ui:include or facelets user tags. By
> default, composite components should be naming containers to work
> fully. Note this feature does not need any change on the spec.
>> I do not consider the initial findComponent() failure a bug. Page authors
>> using components need to know whether they are NamingContainers or not.
>> Good IDEs should be helping you out in this case. In many ways, it is
>> easier for page authors to remember whether a component is a composite
>> component or not if all of the composite components are NamingContainers.
>> The abstraction failure is that findComponent() should always work in terms
>> of the document that the page author is working in. In the case of
>> composite components, this means that component references in the page
>> consuming the composite component should stay the same regardless of whether
>> a composite component uses NamingContainer in its implementation or not.
> It sounds reasonable, but I don't see how can we do such change over
> findComponent() without degrade its performance. Things are more
> difficult if you consider nested composite components using
> cc:insertChildren, cc:insertFacet and templating tags. The problem is
> once the component tree is built, you lose the information related to
> the page where the component was defined. The only information saved
> is a marker to identify it on a further refresh (MARK_ID).
>> Fixing findComponent() should not break invokeOnComponent() and visitTree()
>> as we are not talking about changing the structure of the returned clientIds
>> for the child components from the consuming page after they have been
>> relocated into the composite component.
> But an invokeOnComponent will not work too, without get the final
> clientId. The intention of do not use a NamingContainer deliberately
> is precisely to know beforehand the clientId of the component.
> The problem with use facelets user tags or facelets dynamic components
> is that all properties are strings that are put on a VariableMapper,
> which is a nasty hack (I already changed that terrible code in MyFaces
> to something better), and in practice there are some situations where
> JSF composite components cannot be used, specifically by the
> NamingContainer restriction.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe