
[jsr344-experts] Re: Call for votes

From: Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 02:40:58 +0530

Since it's on slideshare I assume that can be viewed by "Observers" or
anybody meaning people outside the EC, too?[?]

So without objections I might take some highlights or what I personally feel
like voting for into my "EE 7 Cloud Treader" session at GIDS today. Where
the audience and format permits I might also do a Q&A on certain aspects of
EE or individual JSRs.


On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 8:55 PM, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>wrote:

> Per the meeting yesterday, please commence voting for the issues. I
> strongly request everyone
> who was in the meeting yesterday, and *require* everyone who is officially
> on the Expert Group,
> to vote for exactly five issues. Please see my blog entry for details.
> http://home.java.net/blog/edburns/archive/2011/04/14/vote-your-top-five-issues-jsf-22
> Thanks,
> Ed

 Werner Keil | UOMo Lead | Eclipse Foundation | Agile Coach, Principal
Consultant | *emergn* limited
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Skype: werner.keil|www.emergn.com | Reshaping IT
* Chennai Java Summit: April 17, 2011, Chennai, India. Werner Keil, Agile
Coach and Principal Consultant, will be presenting "Java Community Process"
* Great Indian Developer Summit: April 21, 2011, Bangalore, India. Werner
Keil, Agile Coach and Principal Consultant, will be presenting "Java EE 7,
CDI and Trusted Java"
* Eclipse Day India: May 6, 2011, Bangalore, India. Werner Keil, Agile Coach
and Principal Consultant, will be presenting "Eclipse UOMo and STEM"

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