Java EE 7 MR Changes ------------- Section EE.5.2.2. [Clarify rules for default namespace.] Replace the first sentence of the sixth paragraph on p. 69, section 5.2.2, with the following: The default JNDI namespace for resource references and resource definitions must always be "java:comp/env". Note that for resource reference and resource definition annotations, this applies to both the case where no name has been supplied so the rules for choosing a default name are used, and the case where a name has been supplied explicitly but the name does not specify a java: namespace. Since the java:comp namespace is not available in some contexts, use of that namespace in such a context should result in a deployment error. Likewise, the java:module namespace is not valid in some contexts; use of that namespace in such contexts should result in a deployment error. ---------- Section 5.3.3. [Clarify the requirements for the specification of the lookup and lookup-name elements.] Add the following to the end of the second paragraph of section EE.5.3.3, p. 77: Deployment should fail if the lookup element of an annotation or the lookup-name element in a deployment descriptor entry does not specify a name with an explicit java: namespace. ------------------- Section EE. [Correct editorial error in the second paragraph] Change the following text on page 140: If a mail session resource has been previously provisioned for the application (e.g., by administrative action), it is the responsibility of the Application Component Provider to specify the mail server host name. to: If a mail server resource has been previously provisioned for the application (e.g., by administrative action), it is the responsibility of the Application Component Provider to specify the mail server host name. ------ Sections EE.5.19, EE5.20, EE5.21. [Correct editorial error in third paragraph of each of these sections to correctly reflect Application Assembler role.] In EE.5.19, change: The Application Component Provider or Deployer may explicitly bind a DataSource resource reference to the default data source using the lookup element of the Resource annotation or the lookup-name element of the resource-ref deployment descriptor element. to: The Application Component Provider or Application Assembler may explicitly bind a DataSource resource reference to the default data source using the lookup element of the Resource annotation or the lookup-name element of the resource-ref deployment descriptor element. In EE.5.20, change: The Application Component Provider or Deployer may explicitly bind a JMS ConnectionFactory resource reference to the default connection factory using the lookup element of the Resource annotation or the lookup-name element of the resource-ref deployment descriptor element. to: The Application Component Provider or Application Assembler may explicitly bind a JMS ConnectionFactory resource reference to the default connection factory using the lookup element of the Resource annotation or the lookup-name element of the resource-ref deployment descriptor element. In EE.5.21, change: The Application Component Provider or Deployer may explicitly bind a resource reference to a default Concurrency Utilities object using the lookup element of the Resource annotation or the lookup-name element of the resource-ref deployment descriptor element. to: The Application Component Provider or Application Assembler may explicitly bind a resource reference to a default Concurrency Utilities object using the lookup element of the Resource annotation or the lookup-name element of the resource-ref deployment descriptor element. ------ Sections EE.5.19.1, EE.5.20.1, EE.5.21.1 [Correct editorial error in second paragraph of each of these sections to reflect role of Application Assembler.] In EE.5.19.1, change: If a DataSource resource reference is not mapped to a specific data source by the Application Component Provider or Deployer, it must be mapped by the Java EE Product Provider to a preconfigured data source for the Java EE Product Provider's default database. to: If a DataSource resource reference is not mapped to a specific data source by the Application Component Provider, Application Assembler, or Deployer, it must be mapped by the Java EE Product Provider to a preconfigured data source for the Java EE Product Provider's default database. In EE.5.20.1, change: If a JMS ConnectionFactory resource reference is not mapped to a specific JMS connection factory by the Application Component Provider or Deployer, it must be mapped by the Java EE Product Provider to a preconfigured JMS connection factory for the Java EE Product Provider's default JMS provider. to: If a JMS ConnectionFactory resource reference is not mapped to a specific JMS connection factory by the Application Component Provider, Application Assembler, or Deployer, it must be mapped by the Java EE Product Provider to a preconfigured JMS connection factory for the Java EE Product Provider's default JMS provider. In EE.5.21.1, change: If a Concurrency Utilities object resource environment reference is not mapped to a specific configured object by the Application Component Provider or Deployer, it must be mapped by the Java EE Product Provider to a preconfigured Concurrency Utilities object for the Java EE Product Provider. to: If a Concurrency Utilities object resource environment reference is not mapped to a specific configured object by the Application Component Provider, Application Assembler, or Deployer, it must be mapped by the Java EE Product Provider to a preconfigured Concurrency Utilities object for the Java EE Product Provider. ------ Sections EE.8.1.3., EE.5.19, EE.5.20, EE.5.21, EE.5.3.3. [Clarify the rules for the binding of unmapped resources.] In EE.8.1.3, add the following new paragraphs: Every resource reference should be bound to a resource of the required type. Some resources have default mapping rules specified; see sections EE.5.19, EE.5.20, and EE.5.21. By default, a product must map otherwise unmapped resources using these default rules. A product may include an option to disable or override these default mapping rules. Once a resource reference is bound to a resource in the target operational environment, and deployment succeeds, that binding is not expected to change. A product may provide administrative operations that change the resource bindings that are used by applications. A product may notify applications of changes to their resource bindings using JNDI events, but this is not required. If deployment succeeds, in addition to binding resource references as specified above, every resource definition (see Section EE.5.18) specified by the application or specified or overridden by the deployer must be present in the target operational environment. In EE.5.19, change the following text: In the absence of such a binding, the mapping of the reference will default to the product's default data source. to: In the absence of such a binding, or an equivalent product-specific binding, the mapping of the reference will default to the product's default data source. In EE.5.20, change the following text: In the absence of such a binding, the mapping of the reference will default to a JMS connection factory for the product's JMS provider. to: In the absence of such a binding, or an equivalent product-specific binding, the mapping of the reference will default to a JMS connection factory for the product's JMS provider. In EE.5.21, change the following text: In the absence of such a binding, the mapping of the reference will default to the product's default managed executor service. to: In the absence of such a binding, or an equivalent product-specific binding, the mapping of the reference will default to the product's default managed executor service. In section EE.5.3.3, add the following to the end of the second paragraph: The Deployer may also use product-specific resource mapping tools, deployment descriptors, rules, or capabilities to bind resource reference entries to resources in the target operational environment. ------ Section EE. [Clarify requirements for support of custom permissions]: Add the following to the end of paragraph 3: The Java EE product is not required to support permissions.xml files that specify permission classes that are packaged in the application. ------ Section EE.6.7. [In the list in paragraph 3, correct the interface shown for the third and fourth items. This should be javax.jms.JMSConsumer, not javax.jms.JMSContext]. Replace: javax.jms.JMSContext method getMessageListener with javax.jms.JMSConsumer method getMessageListener Replace: javax.jms.JMSContext method setMessageListener with javax.jms.JMSConsumer method setMessageListener ------ Section EE.6.7. [In the list in paragraph 3, add missing methods for consistency with JMS spec.] Add: javax.jms.JMSProducer setAsync javax.jms.MessageProducer send(Message message, CompletionListener completionListener) javax.jms.MessageProducer send(Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, CompletionListener completionListener) javax.jms.MessageProducer send(Destination destination, Message message, CompletionListener completionListener) javax.jms.MessageProducer send(Destination destination, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, CompletionListener completionListener) ------ Section EE.8.5. [Clarify the rules regarding whether an application is attempted to be started during deployment]. Replace the first full paragraph on p. 215 with the following: Deployment may provide an option that controls whether or not an application is attempted to be started during deployment. If no such option is provided or if the option to start the application is specified, and if deployment is successful, the application modules must be initialized as specified in section EE.8.5.4 and the application must be started. If the application is attempted to be started during deployment, the Servlet and EJB containers must be initialized during deployment. Such initialization must include CDI initialization. If initialization fails, deployment must fail. If the application is not attempted to be started during deployment, these containers must not be initialized during deployment. In all cases, the deployment and initialization of a Java EE application must be complete before the container delivers client requests to any of the application’s components. The container must first initialize all startup-time singleton session bean components before delivering any requests to enterprise bean components. Containers must deliver requests to web components and resource adapters only after initialization of the component has completed. ------ Section EE.8.5. [Clarify the requirements for annotation scanning and processing.] Replace the *first* paragraph of section EE.8.5 on p. 216 with the following pragraphs (i.e., break it up as follows and include the new text): Some deployment descriptors are optional. The required deployment information is determined by using default rules or by annotations present on application class files. Some deployment descriptors that are included in an application may exist in either complete or incomplete form. A complete deployment descriptor provides a complete description of the deployment information; a deployment tool must not examine class files for this deployment information. An incomplete deployment descriptor provides only a subset of the required deployment information; a deployment tool must examine the application class files for annotations that specify deployment information. If annotations are being processed (as required by table EE.10-1, Servlet table 8-1, and EJB tables 16 and 17), *at least* all of the classes specified in table EE-5.1 must be scanned for annotations that specify deployment information. As specified in section EE.8.5.2, all classes that can be used by the application may optionally be scanned for these annotations. (These are the annotations that specify information equivalent to what can be specified in a deployment descriptor. This requirement says nothing about the processing of annotations that were defined for other purposes.) These annotations may appear on classes, methods, and fields. All resources specified by resource definition annotations must be created. All resource reference annotations must result in JNDI entries in the corresponding namespace. If the corresponding namespace is not available to the class declaring or inheriting the reference, the resulting behavior is undefined. Future versions of this specification may alter this behavior. Any deployment information specified in a deployment descriptor overrides any deployment information specified in an application’s class files. The Java EE component specifications, including this specification, describe when deployment descriptors are optional and which deployment descriptors may exist in either complete or incomplete form. The attribute metadata-complete is used in the deployment descriptor to specify whether the descriptor is complete. The metadata-complete attribute in the standard deployment descriptors effects *only* the scanning of annotations that specify deployment information, including web services deployment information. It has no impact on the scanning of other annotations. ------ Section EE.8.5.2. [Clarify the intended semantics by correcting the ambiguity resulting from the use of "JAR" to refer to both modules and .jar files referenced from modules.] Change EE.8.5.2 item 1.d on page 218) from: d.For all files in the application package with a filename extension of .jar, but not contained in the lib directory, do the following: i. If the JAR file contains a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file with a Main-Class attribute, or contains a META-INF/application-client.xml file, consider the JAR file to be an application client module. ii. If the JAR file contains a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file, or contains any class with an EJB component-defining annotation (Stateless, etc.), consider the JAR file to be an EJB module. iii. All other JAR files are ignored unless referenced by a JAR file discovered above using one of the JAR file reference mechanisms such as the Class-Path header in a manifest file. to: d.For all files in the application package with a filename extension of .jar, but not contained in the lib directory, do the following: i. If the .jar file contains a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file with a Main-Class attribute, or contains a META-INF/application-client.xml file, consider the .jar file to be an application client module. ii. If the .jar file contains a META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file, or contains any class with an EJB component-defining annotation (Stateless, etc.), consider the .jar file to be an EJB module. iii. All other .jar files are ignored unless referenced by a JAR file discovered above using one of the JAR file reference mechanisms such as the Class-Path header in a manifest file. ------ Section EE.10.6 [Correct table to include missing entries for application-client_6 and application-client_7. These should be the same as for application-client_5.] Add the following entries to Table EE.10-1: application-client_6 Yes No application-client_7 Yes No Add the following to the paragraph above this table: Whether or not to process annotations depends on the presence and version of the deployment descriptor and the setting of the metadata-complete attribute.