[javaee-spec users] Re: [jsr366-experts] Java EE community Survey closes Oct 21

From: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:14:20 +0000 (UTC)


First let me start by saying the messaging and overall outlook from
Oracle at JavaOne 2016 on Java EE was very encouraging. It has also
been very good to see that Oracle specification leads have clearly
re-engaged with the community on a number of Java EE 8 JSRs.
Unfortunately however these facts alone do not mean folks like myself
in the community do not continue to be very concerned about Java EE 8

The biggest concern at the moment is seemingly renewed long radio
silence on this expert group yet again. It has been almost two months
since the survey was closed. Can you kindly comment on when we can
expect the results to be shared and discussed openly? Clealy that is an
essential step to begin accelerating Java EE 8 to meet the deadlines
re-commiited to at JavaOne? On a related note, while the specification
lead re-engagement has been good, it has not been uniform across Java
EE 8 JSRs and has not really been accompanied by a significant uptick
in public code commits or any signs of TCK re-investment. Both would be
essential pieces to getting the work done on time without announcing
even more delays a few months down the line.

Please help allay these concerns if not through actions, at least
through word for now. As always, the community is willing to try to
help in moving anything forward.
