[javaee-spec users] Joint DZone/Java EE Guardians Java EE 8 Survey Results

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 16:58:56 -0400


DZone made the results of the survey available today - they are attached
(in both summary report and raw data formats). In the end we had over
800 responses. While it would have really been nice to cross the 1K+
threshold, this really isn't too bad considering the amount of time we
had and the resources we had to help get the word out. Sincere thanks to
everyone that participated and helped get the word out. I think the
results are quite good in terms of quality (70% of respondents wanted to
remain engaged) and probably does not hold many surprises for most of us.

I hope the results of this survey will help guide the direction for Java
EE 8 and beyond. I personally am certainly treating it as a strong
community mandate on how to proceed. I am going to blog about the
results but I am waiting for DZone Research to do so first. They really
helped us out quite a bit on this and I think it's only fair I should
wait. You should feel free to proceed as you see fit. We certainly need
people to help get the word out on the survey results and blogging about
it will do that.

DZone and I removed all personally identifiable information from the raw
data. If you must have this information, just reach out to DZone or
myself and we can discuss it. There were some shockingly big "names"
that filled out the survey so it's best to retain privacy not to mention
personal information in this case is not significant given the volume of
data we have.

Please do let me know if you have any questions on the survey.
