[javaee-spec users] Re: Consolidation of Type Conversion

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:24:34 -0400

I think the best course of action is to write up a detailed proposal in

On 8/6/2014 10:58 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
> Hi all,
> So in the last few days, i've pulled out what I would consider to be
> the last of my short hair dealing with type conversion in Java EE 7.
> In my project, I'm using JPA 2.1, JAX-RS 2.0 and WebSockets 1.0. In
> my use case, I have some POJOs that I pass around those three layers
> via JSON. In each of these, I have to worry about the type conversion
> requirements of each of them, specifically
> JPA leverages an AttributeConverter
> WebSockets use Encoder/Decoder's
> JAX-RS uses MessageBodyReader/Writer
> In two of these, it gets a little more confusing as I have to
> implement different interfaces for reading and writing. In total I
> need to implement 5 different interfaces, some of which support CDI
> injection and others that do not.
> In addition, if you look across the Java EE spectrum, we have
> additional ways in which type conversion is supported.
> JMS 2.0 added support for implicit body reading when getting a message
> and new ways to create messages from some POJOs.
> - We did not add support a serialization process other than
> reconfirming that ObjectMessage requires a Serializable object.
> JSF has a Converter interface
> I'm sure there are other use cases as well. I'd like to propose that
> the entire platform needs to consolidate down to a single way of
> converting objects, arbitrarily. Then allow each of these specs to
> build from that conversion going forward.
> I'm not sure the right course of action. Should this become a ticket
> for this spec? Does something like this require an enhancement
> specification by itself?
> Thanks,
> John