[javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: _at_Priority

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:02:32 -0800

Yes, @Priority would be added to the Common Annotations spec, defined by JSR 250.

Werner Keil wrote on 12/10/12 03:41:
> Just to confirm, you're talking about 250, or another Spec/EG?
> Another use case for a @Priority annotation (even under Glassfish) is
> mentioned here:
> XMPP is among the protocols not only frequently used by IM services like
> Jabber, etc. it seems to be equally attractive to Social Media and a DevoXX
> presentation of M2M (Temperature Sensor) with a JavaFX client actually used
> it, too, so beside other protocols like MQTT it looks very suitable for M2M
> and the IoT.
> Werner
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Bill Shannon <
> <>> wrote:
> Antonio Goncalves wrote on 12/09/2012 05:32 AM:
> > BTW Bill, if the Interceptor spec has just a MR that means it will still
> stay
> > bundle with the EJB JSR ? Shouldn't it be better to let it
> > evolve separately from EJBs ? (such JPA 2.0 at the time) It's always better
> > for adoption to see that a spec is not bundle to another one (it creates
> > confusion)
> It's already an independent spec. That has nothing to do with using the MR
> process to update it.
> Normally we think "JSR == Spec", but really it's "JSR == EG". A single EG
> created both a new version of the EJB spec and this independent Interceptors
> spec. Just like the platform EG created the EE platform spec, the EE Web
> Profile spec, and the Managed Beans spec, all independent specs.