It makes sense reusing annotations where possible.
If JSRs like 308 are accepted by the community and Java 8 was to come with
its own Checker (not just the "Science Kit" this is right now, where every
project or lab creates its own checker and they are useless to all
others;-) then this annotation JSR could even use a new release.
The currently defunct one is also in that common package, beside the other
one you certainly know.
Am 09.12.2012 06:31 schrieb "Bill Shannon" <>:
> Antonio Goncalves wrote on 12/08/2012 03:23 AM:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Why would such annotation be in the Commons Annotations JSR
> (javax.annotation
> > package I suppose) instead of javax.interceptor ?
> We believe this might be useful in other cases as well.
> > If the Interceptor spec evolves (and it looks like it, to a 1.2 I
> suppose)
> > will we be taking it out of the EJB JSR and create a new JSR just for
> > interceptors ?
> It's already a separate spec. We'll be updating it using the JCP
> Maintenance
> Release process.