[javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: _at_Priority

From: Antonio Goncalves <>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 12:23:56 +0100


Why would such annotation be in the Commons Annotations JSR
(javax.annotation package I suppose) instead of javax.interceptor ? If the
Interceptor spec evolves (and it looks like it, to a 1.2 I suppose) will we
be taking it out of the EJB JSR and create a new JSR just for interceptors
? This also affects the naming. If I see javax.interceptor.Priority it
makes sense to me that it's related to interceptors,
but javax.annotation.Priority is confusing (better to
use javax.annotation.interceptor.Priority
or javax.annotation.InterceptorPriority)

Otherwise I like the @Priority name.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Bill Shannon <>wrote:

> Those of you tracking CDI 1.1 will notice that it has defined a new
> way to control the order in which interceptors are run. An interceptor
> can define a "priority" and interceptors are run in priority order.
> To support this use, and other similar cases, we'd like to define a
> @Priority annotation in the Common Annotations spec. Interceptors
> annotated with @Priority would be *enabled by default*, and run at
> the specified priority. The priority can be overridden in beans.xml.
> The common annotation definition would be something as simple as this:
> -----
> package javax.annotation;
> import java.lang.annotation.*;
> import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
> import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
> /**
> * The Priority annotation can be applied to classes to indicate
> * in what order the classes should be used. The effect of using
> * the Priority annotation in any particular instance is defined
> * by other specifications that define the use of a specific class.
> * <p>
> * For example, the Interceptors specification defines the use of
> * priorities on interceptors to control the order in which
> * interceptors are called.
> *
> * @since Common Annotations 1.2
> */
> @Target({TYPE})
> @Retention(RUNTIME)
> @Inherited
> @Documented
> public @interface Priority {
> /**
> * The priority value.
> */
> int value();
> }
> -----
> A key question for this group is... What should the name of this
> annotation be?
> We've been calling it @Priority, but other reasonable names are
> @Order, @Rank, @SortIndex, and probably a dozen others you can
> think of.
> In addition, the CDI spec defines various ranges of priorities that
> should be used for different purposes. We would define some constants
> for these ranges:
> -----
> package javax.interceptor;
> import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE;
> import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
> import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
> import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
> import java.lang.annotation.Target;
> /**
> * <p>Specifies that a class is an interceptor.</p>
> *
> * <pre>
> * &#064;Interceptor
> * public class ValidationInterceptor { ... }
> * </pre>
> *
> * <p>This annotation is optional if the
> * {_at_link javax.interceptor.Interceptors Interceptors} annotation or
> * the EJB deployment descriptor are used to associate the
> * interceptor with the target class. It is required when an
> * {_at_linkplain javax.interceptor.InterceptorBinding interceptor binding}
> * is used.</p>
> *
> * @see javax.interceptor.Interceptors
> *
> * @since Interceptors 1.1
> */
> @Retention(RUNTIME)
> @Target(TYPE)
> @Documented
> public @interface Interceptor
> {
> /**
> * <p>Priorities that define the order in which interceptors are
> * invoked. These values should be used with the
> * {_at_link javax.annotations.Priority Priority} annotation.
> * Interceptors defined by platform specifications should be in the
> * range PLATFORM_BEFORE up until LIBRARY_BEFORE, or starting at
> * PLATFORM_AFTER. Interceptors defined by extension libraries
> * should be in the range LIBRARY_BEFORE up until APPLICATION, or
> * LIBRARY_AFTER up until PLATFORM_AFTER. Interceptors defined
> * by applications should be in the range APPLICATION up until
> * LIBRARY_AFTER. An interceptor that must be invoked before or
> * after another defined interceptor can choose any appropriate
> * value.</p>
> *
> * <p>For example, an extension library might define an interceptor
> * like this:</p>
> *
> * <pre>
> * &#064;Priority(Interceptor.Priority.LIBRARY_BEFORE+1)
> * &#064;Interceptor
> * public class ValidationInterceptor { ... }
> * </pre>
> *
> * @since Interceptors 1.2
> */
> public static class Priority {
> private Priority() { } // don't allow instances
> /**
> * Start of range for early interceptors defined by
> * platform specifications.
> */
> public static final int PLATFORM_BEFORE = 0;
> /**
> * Start of range for early interceptors defined by
> * extension libraries.
> */
> public static final int LIBRARY_BEFORE = 100;
> /**
> * Start of range for interceptors defined by
> * applications.
> */
> public static final int APPLICATION = 1000;
> /**
> * Start of range for late interceptors defined by
> * extension libraries.
> */
> public static final int LIBRARY_AFTER = 2000;
> /**
> * Start of range for late interceptors defined by
> * platform specifications.
> */
> public static final int PLATFORM_AFTER = 3000;
> }
> }
> -----
> Interceptor.Priority could instead be a separate InterceptorPriority class.
> Or they could be defined directly on the Interceptor class as
> Interceptor.PRIORITY_PLATFORM_BEFORE, etc. Let me know if you think
> either would be better. Note that it can't be an enum because we want
> to allow arithmetic. Any comments to improve the javadocs are greatly
> appreciated.
> Comments?

Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
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