[javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: [jsr345-experts] Bean Validation aligment in EE 7 (was [jsr345-experts] Bean Validation support for EJBs?)

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 17:24:02 -0700

Did you think I wasn't being nice? I explained how I intended my words to be
interpreted and asked you if it was clear. I meant nothing more than that.

And my statement wasn't *followed* by the discussion asking about replacement,
it was *preceded* by that discussion. You need to read the included messages in
the correct order. My message was a reply to that message asking about replacement.

Jeff Genender wrote on 10/29/12 16:23:
> Ummm... yeah...
> and it was followed via the discussion that insinuated replacement of JAX-ws
> with JAX-RS.
> Bill lets be nice on the list... clear?
> Jeff
> On Oct 29, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> I'm not sure how you read that into what I said.
>> The clause "is definitely worth considering at some point" applies to the
>> part of the sentence that precedes it, i.e., "Having JAX-WS endpoints be CDI
>> managed beans, with all the associated advantages".
>> Clear?
>> Jeff Genender wrote on 10/29/12 16:03:
>>> Bill, can you please clarify "is definitely worth considering at some
>>> point". You mean dropping JAX-WS from EE in the future? I certainly hope
>>> that is not the case...
>>> Jeff
>>> On Oct 29, 2012, at 4:50 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>>> JAX-WS is *not* being replaced by JAX-RS. We have no current plans to
>>>> prune JAX-WS.
>>>> That said, we're not planning big updates to JAX-WS, mostly because we're
>>>> busy doing other things and resources are finite. Having JAX-WS endpoints
>>>> be CDI managed beans, with all the associated advantages, is definitely
>>>> worth considering at some point.
>>>> Antonio Goncalves wrote on 10/29/12 12:55:
>>>>> Hum... Werner, what you are saying is very important : is the EE EG
>>>>> clearly saying "we will not update JAX-WS because it's being replaced by
>>>>> JAX-RS" ? Prunning a technologie has a strong meaning but what do we want
>>>>> to say about JAX-WS (and JSP) ? "it's not prunned but we are not updating
>>>>> it" ?
>>>>> I think we should agree on the future of JAX-WS (and why not JSP) and
>>>>> express it loudly to the community. But it will be strange to have method
>>>>> level validation, injection, interception work in every spec, except JAX-WS
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:08 PM, Werner Keil <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Emmanuel/All,
>>>>> Thanks for that, and to Antonio for sharing.
>>>>> As JAX-WS 2.0 is only in MR and there is no "real" update scheduled
>>>>> any time soon, that seems like a problem not so easy to tackle.
>>>>> JAX-WS unlike RS has grown out of fashion to many, though I know first
>>>>> hand, large companies still use it and SOAP a lot, especially in
>>>>> projects already in production.
>>>>> Unless there was a demand and consensus to make such "soon legacy"
>>>>> JSRs optional at the very least with EE 8, maybe a "2.1" release could
>>>>> use CDI after all, but of course that depends on demand.
>>>>> Werner
>>>>> Am 29.10.2012 19:51 schrieb "Antonio Goncalves"
>>>>> < <>>:
>>>>> Emmanuel's answer (he has no write access to the ML) :
>>>>> "The Java EE interception technology does not allow to intercept
>>>>> methods
>>>>> calls when calling a method from within the bean. That's a general
>>>>> problem that applies for all Java EE so at least that is consistent.
>>>>> I think it makes a lot of sense to support JAX-WS. But JAX-WS has no
>>>>> integration with CDI so we could not ride along the CDI integration to
>>>>> validate method calls.
>>>>> About servlets, I don't see the validation of methods called by the
>>>>> servlet container as very useful. In your example, when is a request
>>>>> object null?
>>>>> I discussed the JAXB validation integration possibilities with the
>>>>> spec
>>>>> lead a long time ago but unfortunately, I don't think either of us
>>>>> worked further on the subject. That is something I've seen asked
>>>>> several
>>>>> times by the community though.
>>>>> Emmanuel"
>>>>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Antonio Goncalves
>>>>> < <>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> A few months ago in the EJB 3.2 EG ML we talked about aligning
>>>>> BV in EJBs. We've also exchanged a few emails with Emmanuel
>>>>> Bernard (CCed) about BV aligment in other specification. As a
>>>>> developer I expect BV method level validation to work in every
>>>>> EE specification. What do you think ? If it's the case, I
>>>>> would expect this to work :
>>>>> *_at_WebServlet*
>>>>> public class MyServlet {
>>>>> public void doGet(*_at_NotNull* HttpServletRequest req,
>>>>> @NotNull HttpServletResponse resp) {}
>>>>> }
>>>>> or
>>>>> *_at_WebService*
>>>>> public class MyWS {
>>>>> @WebMethod
>>>>> *_at_NotNull*
>>>>> public String methodA(@WebParam(name = "myParam")
>>>>> *_at_NotNull* String s )
>>>>> }
>>>>> So that means a JAX-WS update will have to be made (JAX-WS 2.3
>>>>> ?). With WebServices that would also mean that BV will be
>>>>> integrated with JAXB (but I think it's planned, Emmanuel
>>>>> correct me if I'm wrong).
>>>>> What do you think ?
>>>>> Antonio
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Antonio Goncalves
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> With the new Bean Validation 1.1 method-level validation I
>>>>> expect something to work out of the box (with or without
>>>>> CDI) :
>>>>> @Stateless
>>>>> public class AccountService {
>>>>> public Account get(*_at_NotNull* Account model) { }
>>>>> }
>>>>> As for Stateful bean the question is "is there a possible
>>>>> integration between BV and EJB like JPA or JSF" ? For
>>>>> example, in the following code, shall we automatically
>>>>> validate the bean on @Remove (like @PreRemove on JPA) :
>>>>> @Stateful
>>>>> public class ShoppingCart {
>>>>> *_at_NotNull*
>>>>> private List<CartItem> cartItems;
>>>>> *_at_Remove*
>>>>> public voide checkout { // validate cartItems ? }
>>>>> }
>>>>> I don't really see the point in something like that, but I
>>>>> might miss something. Could there be another possible
>>>>> integration ?
>>>>> Antonio
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Marina Vatkina
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Experts,
>>>>> As you know, EJB spec currently doesn't support Bean
>>>>> Validation. Do we want to change that?
>>>>> Let me know if you think that:
>>>>> a) BV should be supported for EJBs without CDI being
>>>>> enabled (probably with an opt-in flag to be backward
>>>>> compatible)
>>>>> b) BV should be supported for EJBs only if CDI is enabled
>>>>> c) there is no need for standardizing BV with respect
>>>>> to EJBs
>>>>> d) you don't care either way :(
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> -marina
>>>>> --
>>>>> Antonio Goncalves
>>>>> Software architect and Java Champion
>>>>> Web site <> | Twitter
>>>>> <> | LinkedIn
>>>>> <> | Paris JUG
>>>>> <> | Devoxx France <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Antonio Goncalves
>>>>> Software architect and Java Champion
>>>>> Web site <> | Twitter
>>>>> <> | LinkedIn
>>>>> <> | Paris JUG
>>>>> <> | Devoxx France <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Antonio Goncalves
>>>>> Software architect and Java Champion
>>>>> Web site <> | Twitter
>>>>> <> | LinkedIn
>>>>> <> | Paris JUG
>>>>> <> | Devoxx France <>