[javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: Re: CDI positioning

From: Pete Muir <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:05:11 +0000

Hi Antonio,

I think this is perfectly achievable, technically. Each of these specifications could provide beans to inject the relevant objects in.

However, I'm reluctant to start specifying this in the CDI spec, I would prefer that EJB, WS, Servlet etc. specified this. Otherwise CDI will just become a dumping ground for integrations...

On 28 Oct 2012, at 09:21, Antonio Goncalves wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm coming back to this topic which I would like to broad a bit to : injecting context in general. At the moment we have to use @Resource to inject different types of context and other tricks in Servlets or JAX-RS :
> On a SAOP Web Service :
> @WebService
> public class MyWS {
> @Resource
> private WebServiceContext context;
> ...
> }
> In an EJB :
> @Stateless
> public class MyEJB {
> @Resource
> private SessionContext context;
> ...
> }
> In a Servlet
> @WebServlet
> public class MyServlet {
> private ServletContext context;
> protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
> context = request.getContext();
> }
> ...
> }
> REST Service
> We've already talked about @Context
> @Path("/resource")
> public class MyResource {
> @Context
> private UriInfo info;
> }
> Wouldn't it be clearer to unify all these injections with @Inject ?
> Antonio
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 5:18 AM, Yoon Kyung Koo <> wrote:
> Hi, all.
> Sorry for late feedback.
> I think CDI is more and more important feature of Java EE and should be aligned with annotations in other SPECs.
> Though there may be some backward compatibility issues, I prefer the option C.
> And I have some concerns in annotations and CDI with respect to deployment performance.
> I hope the annotation features can be more finely defined and can be scoped in view of the deployment performance in the future.
> --
> --------------------
> Software Innovation Evangelist
> Researcher & Executive Director / WAS Lab / TmaxSoft R&D Center
> 2012. 9. 21., ¿ÀÈÄ 3:56, Bill Shannon <> ÀÛ¼º:
>> I've heard from a few of you on this, but I'd like to get feedback
>> from the rest of the expert group. There's 20 people on this
>> expert group, surely you all joined the expert group because you had
>> opinions about Java EE, right? You wanted to help us direct the
>> future of Java EE. You wanted to give us the benefit of your experience.
>> If you just wanted to watch, you could've joined the users list instead
>> of the expert group...
>> Let's hear it! What do you guys think?!?
>> (If you already responded to this thread, please resist the temptation
>> to jump in again. Let's let the others have their say.)
>> Thanks.
>> Bill Shannon wrote on 08/30/2012 01:58 PM:
>>> From many of our recent discussions, it seems clear that CDI is
>>> becoming more central to the Java EE programming model. For example:
>>> - The expanded use of @Stereotype in my previous message.
>>> - The use of CDI interceptors to provide container managed
>>> transaction support beyond EJB.
>>> - The potential future use of CDI interceptors to provide container
>>> managed security support beyond EJB.
>>> - The use of CDI interceptors to support Bean Validation method
>>> level validation.
>>> - The discussion of "implicit producers" to allow use of @Inject
>>> instead of @Resource to inject Java EE resources.
>>> - The discussion around alignment of CDI managed beans and the
>>> separate @ManagedBean spec.
>>> - The introduction of a transaction scope and its use in the JMS
>>> spec to simplify the programming model.
>>> - The change being considered by the CDI expert group to enable
>>> CDI by default, making it more attractive to use it for all
>>> the items above.
>>> At the same time we're finding that some specs, e.g., JAX-RS, are
>>> hesitant to introduce a hard, or even soft, dependency on CDI,
>>> instead insisting that all their new features must work in an
>>> environment where there is no CDI.
>>> In many ways this parallels what we saw with annotations. In
>>> the beginning we found many people who didn't want to use annotations
>>> and wanted us to make sure everything worked without use of
>>> annotations. Now we're seeing many things that *only* work with
>>> annotations, and annotations are well accepted by Java EE developers.
>>> I suppose there's a natural lifecycle to acceptance of new
>>> technologies, and I wonder where we are in that lifecycle with CDI?
>>> Has CDI become a mature and accepted technology that we should use
>>> widely?
>>> I'd like to get a sense from this group as to what direction we
>>> should provide to all the Java EE specs in regards to their use
>>> of CDI. Here's a few obvious options:
>>> A. Technologies that see a significant standalone (non-Java EE) use
>>> should be fully functional without CDI. If necessary, any
>>> required features that are similar to CDI features should be
>>> defined and implemented in a way that doesn't depend on CDI.
>>> B. Technologies should provide all major features in a way that
>>> works without CDI. Some features may also be provided in a
>>> different way that works well with CDI. Some less essential
>>> features may only work with CDI. The implementation should
>>> only have a soft dependency on CDI at most.
>>> C. Technologies should provide features that work well with CDI
>>> without duplicating any functionality in CDI. Use CDI wherever
>>> it fits. The implementation may have a hard dependency on CDI
>>> and may require CDI even when used in a standalone environment.
>>> I'm sure you can think of other options as well.
>>> What advice do you think we should give to other Java EE specs?
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
> Web site | Twitter | LinkedIn | Paris JUG | Devoxx France