[javaee-spec users] [jsr342-experts] Re: new JSRs for inclusion in the Java EE Platform

From: Werner Keil <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 17:53:15 +0200

That is a valid point, at least regarding Batch for sure.

There may be very few use cases, mostly large systems like Banks where this
is likelly to be used on a regular basis. Others, especially Full Java EE
stack solutions probably used async processes like EE6 offers them in the
meantime to handle similar requirements. So unless Batch would fit in there
seamlessly, I would not necessarily consider it a mandatory part either.

The absence of true Modularity in the Java VM and Platform does not mean,
some of these JSRs cannot be installed on demand only. If necessary there
could be need for one or two additional profiles, or keep them optional in
the Full EE Profile.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Jim Knutson <> wrote:

> Linda DeMichiel <> wrote on 09/10/2012 07:04:22
> PM:
> > Please let us know if you support adding these technologies to the
> > full Java EE 7 Platform and Web Profile
> >
> > JSR full Platform Web Profile
> > ---- ------------- ----------
> > JSON-P [ ] [ ]
> > Web Socket [ ] [ ]
> > Batch [ ] [ ]
> I support including all 3 of these in the full platform, but I question
> whether we would want to make any of them a mandatory part of the web
> profile.
> I already think that the web profile is starting to become bloated for the
> purpose it was supposed to serve.
> Thanks,
> Jim Knutson
> WebSphere Java EE Architect