[javaee-spec users] Re: In reference the logging suggestion on @experts

From: Christian Grobmeier <>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 19:51:55 +0200

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 6:19 PM, David M. Lloyd <> wrote:
> It must be said that there are number of logging experts out there, because
> there are a lot of APIs and frameworks out there. I propose that the best
> EG lead for a logging JSR would be someone who is a high-quality engineer
> with solid JCP experience, but not someone who is personally invested in one
> particular framework. Having one out of, say, seven logging framework
> experts be the spec lead would surely lead to a skewed result resembling
> their framework of choice.


I am not so familiar with the role of a spec "lead". The open
initiatives I participated in (e.g. ASF related) did not have too much
weight on the role "lead". Probably it is a bit different in the JCP
world, I don't know.

That said, my intention was not to exclude any interested person; I
want to say clearly that the logging confusion (also sometimes
referred to as the logging war) must end. While a few of us surely are
interested on the implementation of logging itself, the majority of
users is not. It is to our all benefit if the interested users are
coming across a table and write the best specification they can. This
will serve the 99% out there who simply wants to log, but not deal
with the gory details of logging frameworks.

As you said, I fully agree that there must be one who is familiar with
the JCP process itself. Or at least is willing to learn. It doesn't
make sense to copy the Apache Logging repository in the new efforts;
furthermore we need to discuss the things which are out there and take
the best of it all. Hopefully the current implementation and ideas are
not too far away from each other. The JCP tec lead should be able to
help the logging experts to figure out what the best is and how to
address this in a JSR:

> That said I think that there are a number of people with expertise who have
> (myself included) developed a logging API and/or backend framework. I think
> it is important that these people at least are involved, preferably on the
> EG itself.



> On 09/07/2012 07:27 AM, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
>> Hello Antonio,
>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Antonio Goncalves
>> <> wrote:
>>> As I said, I'm not a logging API expert and would never start such a JSR.
>>> I'm just a developer who things I can bring value to my customers'
>>> projects
>>> and stop wasting time in changing log implementation every time. As I've
>>> already expressed several times in this group, I am against standardizing
>>> too soon, but I think Logging is mature enough and should be standardize.
>> yes, I understood that. I think without an interest or a pushing from
>> the jee experts group it is unlikely that something will happen.
>> Anyway.. just because I am curious. Can everybody (who joined the JCP)
>> create a JSR?
>>> Christian, if you think Ralph Goers is an important player, I am more
>>> than
>>> happy to contact him if you give me his email address.
>> Sure! Its available here:
>> Please let me know if I can help further.
>> best regards,
>> Christian
>>> Thanks for your email
>>> Antonio
>>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 12:23 PM, <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I just read:
>>>> lead/
>>>> I am member of the Apache Logging project and thus have a good insight
>>>> on the implementation log4j and others.
>>>> In the mentioned blog post Antonio says log4j is not updated. But this
>>>> is wrong. log4j 2 has been reeleased in version 2.0. This is a major
>>>> step forward since it does address many issues which are important to
>>>> the JEE world.
>>>> Ralph Goers was the main driver of this implementation. In my opinion
>>>> he is an incredible team player and excellent developer who thought
>>>> about the new log4j API for I think 3 yrs. For german speakers, I wrote
>>>> an article on it in the current JavaMagazin.
>>>> Therefore I would like to suggest that you ask him directly if he would
>>>> become the specification lead as he has - in my opinion - the one of
>>>> the best understanding of logging requirements.
>>>> If this JSR is accepted, I will gladly join the efforts too.
>>>> Furthermore I might think that others in the Apache Logging project are
>>>> interested the same way.
>>>> Personally I think a standard would be to our all benefit.
>>>> That all being said I want to express this e-mail is a personal one
>>>> which expresses my own view and not the view of the Apache Logging
>>>> project. Others at Apache logging might think different and I am not
>>>> sure if Ralph is available for such a role.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Christian
>>> --
>>> Antonio Goncalves
>>> Software architect and Java Champion
>>> Web site | Twitter | LinkedIn | Paris JUG | Devoxx France
> --
> - DML
