Hi Marcus,
I thought I had replied to this earlier, but in case not....
I agree that an HTML version would be nice to have. However, given the
format that the spec is in (framemaker + other formats for figures
etc), producing a decent HTML version would require more work than we
have cycles for right now. It is doable, but the framemaker formats used
(which go back quite a number of years) were apparently not designed for
this and would need some work. It is on my wishlist too though....
On 7/9/2012 9:59 PM, Markus Eisele wrote:
> Hi,
> quite frustrating but either my gmail has send the overwhelming amount
> of replys to my spam folder and I didn't recognize it or there wasn't
> any answer at all.
> Thanks for a short comment here!
> -M
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Markus Eisele<myfear_at_web.de>
> Date: 26 April 2012 07:45
> Subject: Publishing Draft and Spec as HTML?
> To: jsr342-experts_at_javaee-spec.java.net
> Hi all,
> I received some feedback that suggests to publish the spec papers
> additionally as HTML version.
> Obviously a good place would be http://java.net/projects/javaee-spec/
> @Linda/Bill
> is that doable?
> @all
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Markus