
[jsr342-experts] Re: JSR 236

From: Jim Knutson <knutson_at_us.ibm.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 13:19:31 -0600

Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com> wrote on 01/24/2013 05:23:27
> Pleases let us know:
> (1) Whether you see any reason that JSR 236 should not be included in
> the full platform?
> (2) Whether you think that JSR 236 should also be included in the Web

I think it would be an excellent addition to the full platform.

For web profile, I believe that it will eventually be part of the web
as many web apps tend to spin off their own threads. However, I'd rather
err on the safe side and keep this as part of the full profile only for now
and let industry experience drive it to the web profile. Note, there is
nothing keeping vendors from offering it as an extension to their web
profile configurations.

Letting developers drive the web profile content will avoid bloat issues
and criticisms that we've run into in the past.

Jim Knutson
WebSphere Java EE Architect