
[jsr342-experts] Re: Configuring DENY semantic for uncovered HTTP Methods

From: Markus Eisele <myfear_at_web.de>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 06:28:27 +0100

Hi Bill,

Short confirmation that I think it is a good solution and should have
been like this since longer.
It goes along with the principle of least privilege and I would even
go further by making deny-uncovered-http-methods default to true.

- M

On 27 January 2013 10:12, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> We've had a little bit of discussion around this issue, the end result
> of which is (I believe) that this expert group generally agrees that
> this is a valid issue and that the proposed fix is appropriate for the
> Servlet spec.
> If you disagree, now is the time to speak up.
> Lacking such disagreement, I will tell the Servlet expert that all the
> companies and individuals represented here want to see this fixed in
> the Servlet spec, and we'll balance that with any remaining objections
> in the Servlet expert group.
> Thanks.
> Bill Shannon wrote on 12/17/12 21:14:
>> An issue came up in the Servlet expert group that I'd like to escalate
>> to this group.
>> There's a potential security issue in the Servlet spec in the way that
>> permissions are associated with HTTP methods. This issue was raised by
>> Jeff Williams of Aspect Security and OWASP (http://www.owasp.og). Ron
>> Monzillo on our security team worked with Jeff to propose a solution to
>> the Servlet expert group. The reaction from the Servlet expert group was
>> (paraphrasing) that this was not an important issue and that people who
>> understood the Servlet spec would not make this mistake. They seemed to
>> think the solution was worse than the problem and rejected Ron's proposal.
>> (If any of you are also members of the Servlet expert group, I'd like to
>> hear your perspective.)
>> I'd prefer not to be in the situation where an independent group has
>> pointed out a valid security concern with the Java EE platform and
>> we've chosen not to fix it. I'd like to get your feedback...
>> - Is this a valid concern?
>> - Should we provide a "fix" in the Servlet spec?
>> - Is the proposed fix acceptable?
>> I've included Ron's original description of the problem and the
>> proposed fix below. If there's support in this group for fixing
>> this problem in the Servlet spec, we'll take this back to the Servlet
>> expert group and ask them to reconsider. Those of you with reps on
>> the Servlet expert group may need to help.
>> I'm looking forward to your feedback.
>> Thanks.
>> -----
>> Experts,
>> This proposal was developed in response to a recommendation made by Jeff
>> Williams of Aspect and OWASP.
>> The following article from Aspect Security describes the issue.
>> https://www.aspectsecurity.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=18
>> The Servlet constraint grammar provides the ability to enumerate
>> (including by omission) the HTTP methods to which the protection
>> requirements defined in a constraint apply. When HTTP methods are
>> enumerated within a constraint definition, the protections defined
>> by the constraint apply only to the methods established by the
>> enumeration. We refer to the HTTP methods that are not established
>> by the enumeration as "uncovered" methods.
>> When HTTP methods are not enumerated within a constraint, the protections
>> defined by the constraint apply to the complete set of HTTP (extension)
>> methods. In that case, there are no uncovered HTTP methods at the
>> url-patterns to which the constraint applies.
>> Servlet requires that a default permit semantic be associated with
>> uncovered methods (and with unconstrained url-patterns).
>> Developers need to understand these rules in order to use the
>> security-constraint grammar effectively. Unfortunately it is easy to find
>> examples of security-constraint specifications that, as a result of HTTP
>> method enumeration, are vulnerable as described in the cited reference.
>> To address this issue, we are proposing that a new element be defined for
>> use in web.xml that when specified, would cause a deny semantic to be
>> applied to uncovered HTTP methods.
>> This new element would be defined within the web-common_3_0.xsd.xml
>> schema (with version corrected appropriately) as follows:
>> <xsd:complexType name="web-appType">
>> <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
>> <xsd:element name="module-name" type="javaee:string" minOccurs="0"/>
>> <xsd:group ref="javaee:web-commonType"/>
>> <xsd:element name="absolute-ordering" type="javaee:absoluteOrderingType"/>
>> <xsd:element name="deny-uncovered-http-methods" type="javaee:emptyType">
>> <xsd:annotation>
>> <xsd:documentation>
>> When specified, this element causes uncovered http methods
>> to be denied. For every url-pattern that is the target of a
>> security-constrant, this element causes all HTTP methods that
>> are not covered (by a security constraint) at the url-pattern
>> to be denied.
>> </xsd:documentation>
>> </xsd:annotation>
>> </xsd:element>
>> </xsd:choice>
>> <xsd:attributeGroup ref="javaee:web-common-attributes"/>
>> </xsd:complexType>
>> This element would only be available via the top level deployment descriptor,
>> web.xml. When specified in web.xml, this element would apply to all security
>> constraints defined for the web application; including any defined in fragments.
>> This element would apply to uncovered methods resulting from the specification
>> of security constraints via the web.xml and web-fragment deployment
>> descriptors, from the use of the @ServletSecurity annotation, and from the use
>> of the setServletSecurity method of the ServletRegistration interface.
>> This flag would provide a means to ensure that uncovered methods could not be
>> the cause of a security breach.
>> The examples that follow demonstrate how methods may be left uncovered. The
>> determination of whether methods are uncovered is made after all the
>> constraints that apply to the pattern have been combined as described
>> in "Section 13.8.1 Combining Constraints"
>> To implement this flag it will be necessary for it to effect the processing
>> of the @ServletSecurity annotation and the ServletSecurityElement such
>> that methods uncovered in these forms will retain their uncovered status
>> into constraint combination, after which a deny semantic can be associated
>> with any remaining uncovered methods.
>> When this flag has not been specified the existing semantics will be retained.
>> Comments?
>> Ron
>> More details
>> Example 1: Security-constraint that enumerates HTTP methods using http-method
>> elements, All HTTP methods except GET and POST are uncovered (at the
>> url-patterns to which the constraint applies)
>> [<security-constraint>
>> <web-resource-collection>
>> <url-pattern>/a/b/c/*</url-pattern>
>> <http-method>GET</http-method>
>> <http-method>POST</http-method>
>> </web-resource-collection>
>> <auth-constraint>
>> <role-name>user</role-name>
>> </auth-constraint>
>> </security-constraint>
>> Example 2: Security-constraint that enumerates HTTP methods using
>> http-method-omission elements, The ommitted HTTP methods, GET and POST, are
>> uncovered (at the url-patterns to which the constraint applies)
>> <security-constraint>
>> <web-resource-collection>
>> <url-pattern>/d/e/f/*</url-pattern>
>> <http-method-omission>GET</http-method-omission>
>> <http-method-omission>POST</http-method-omission>
>> </web-resource-collection>
>> <auth-constraint/>
>> </security-constraint>
>> Example 3: @ServletSecurity annotation that contains one or more HTTP
>> method-specific @HttpMethodConstraint elements and that either implicitly
>> or explicitly establishes a default HTTP method-independent @HttpConstraint
>> (value = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT, rolesAllowed = {}, and
>> TransportGuarantee = NONE) to be applied to all other HTTP methods. Like
>> Example 1, all methods except those that are the target of an
>> @HttpMethodConstraint are uncovered (at the url-patterns to which the
>> constraint applies).
>> [3a] implicit method-independent @HttpConstraint
>> (value = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT, rolesAllowed = {}, and
>> TransportGuarantee = NONE)
>> @ServletSecurity(
>> httpMethodConstraints = {
>> @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "GET", rolesAllowed = "user"),
>> @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "POST", rolesAllowed = "user"),
>> })
>> [3b] explicit method-independent @HttpConstraint that establishes a default
>> HTTP method-independent @HttpConstraint (value = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT,
>> rolesAllowed = {}, and TransportGuarantee = NONE). Note that there are some
>> other explicit ways to specify the equivalent of the default HTTP
>> method-indpendent @HttpConstraint.
>> @ServletSecurity(
>> value = @HttpConstraint(value = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT,
>> rolesAllowed = {}, transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE),
>> httpMethodConstraints = {
>> @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "GET", rolesAllowed = "user"),
>> @HttpMethodConstraint(value = "POST", rolesAllowed = "user"),
>> })
>> Example 4: use of the setServletSecurity method of the ServletRegistration
>> interface with a ServletSecurityElement parameter that either implicitly
>> or explicitly establishes a default HTTP method-indpendent @HttpConstraint
>> value (as described in example 3 above). All methods except those that are
>> the target of an HttpMethodConstraint element are uncovered (at the
>> url-patterns to which the constraint applies).
>> Section " Mapping @ServletSecurity to security-constraint" defines
>> the mapping of the @ServletSecurity annotation and the ServletSecurityElement
>> into corresponding web.xml style security-constraints. As defined in
>> section
>> "The @ServletSecurity annotation is used to define one method-independent
>> @HttpConstraint followed by a list of zero or more @HttpMethodConstraint
>> specifications. The method-independent constraint is applied to all HTTP
>> methods for which no HTTP method-specific constraint has been defined.
>> When no @HttpMethodConstraint elements are included, a @ServletSecurity
>> annotation corresponds to a single security-constraint element containing a
>> web-resource-collection that contains no http-method elements, and thus
>> pertains to all HTTP methods."
>> The security-constraint elements that result from this mapping combine to
>> leave no HTTP methods uncovered (at the corresponding url-patterns).
>> Following the mapping, any HTTP methods that were uncovered prior to
>> the mapping (as shown in Examples 3 and 4 above) would no longer be
>> distinguishable as such. In other words, after the mapping to
>> security-constraints, it will be too late to associate a different
>> semantic with such methods.
>> As such, the deny-uncovered-http-methods flag must effect the mapping
>> of annotations to security-constraints such that a method-independent
>> constraint is NOT created when at least one protected HttpMethodConstraint
>> is defined within the @ServletSecurity annotation (or ServletSecurityElement)
>> and the value of the @HttpConstraint annotation (or HttpConstraintElement)
>> is equivalent to the default @HttpConstraint
>> (i.e., value = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT, rolesAllowed = {}, and
>> TransportGuarantee = NONE). An HttpMethodConstraint is protected if it's
>> protection value differs from that of the default @HTTPConstraint.
>> In summary, to implement a flag to be used to change the semantic applied
>> to uncovered HTTP methods, it will be necessary for it to effect the
>> interpretation of the @ServletSecurity and ServletSecurityElement such that
>> methods uncovered in these forms will retain their uncovered status into
>> constraint combination, after which time a deny semantic can be associated
>> with any remaining uncovered methods.