
[jsr342-experts] Re: [javaee-spec users] JAX-RS (Servlet), EJB and CDI alignment

From: Reza Rahman <reza_rahman_at_lycos.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 16:16:37 -0400


On 6/24/2012 7:02 AM, Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was reading through JAX-RS 2.0 edr3 specification and had some
> questions about the alignment with other specs. First of all I can see
> that @Context is still used to inject UriInfo, HttpHeaders of even
> servlet resources. When I read the spec (§3.2) I see the word
> /Resource/ in the definition : "/_at_Context Injects an instance of a
> supported resource/". So why not use the @Resource annotation ? In the
> case of JAX-RS @Inject looks more appropriate (@Resource deals with
> JNDI names and so on).
> For asynchrony (§8) they need to inject an ExecutionContext. Again,
> this is done with @Context, which is a real shame as ExecutionContext
> sounds like SessionContext (which is injected with a @Resource or
> @Inject). Asynchrony in JAX-RS is done with the @Suspend annotation,
> it has a timeout and a time unit attributes (@Suspend(timeOut = 15,
> timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)) while we have @Asynchronous in EJB
> (without any attributes). In the spec there is even a sample mixing both :
> @Stateless
> @Path("/")
> class EJBResource {
> @GET *_at_Suspend @Asynchronous*
> public void longRunningOp(@Context ExecutionContext ctx) {
> executeLongRunningOp();
> ctx.resume("Hello async world!");
> }
> }
> Servlet also has it's own mechanism to deal with asynchronous
> requests. In the EJB group we talked about "standardizing"
> @Asynchronous and giving it to other specifications. Couldn't it be
> the case with JAX-RS (and Servlet, but I think this topic has heavily
> been debated during Servlet 3.0) ?
> And in a more general question, do we really need to push alignment
> between specs when it's possible ?
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
> Web site <http://www.antoniogoncalves.org> | Twitter
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