Might be interesting regarding the configuration:
On 02.06.2011, at 19:47, Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> I would like to share some thoughts with you.
> I've used in the past Spring Config and latelly I've attended a conference that talked about Seam Config. Clearly I can see the benefit of having easy configuration on the entire platform. At the moment we have ejb-jar.xml and environment entries to configure our EJBs. We can also use the web.xml to pass some parameters to our servlets and bits and pieces in the application.xml file.
> Why not having a seperate spec that takes inspiration from Seam Config, Spring Config and so on to be able to configure the entire platform (a CDI bean as well as an EJB...). Configuration will also be used for Paas purposes of course.
> Configuration is an important topic and developers never know where to put it : property files, XML, database, JNDI. Why not having a spec that specifies how configuration should work (I really like the Seam Config approach) and each spec could then use it to specify how to configure a specific component, as well as batch processing or Paas/Saas configuration...
> Again, my 2 cents
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
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