We know Jetty & Tomcat are not Java EE products, but that's what many people
use out there. The good thing with Java EE 6 is that you can add bits &
pieces to Servlet containers (JPA, Bean Validation, CDI, JAX-RS) without
having the full EE. I would like Java EE 7 to be a jigsaw puzzle so we could
use only pieces to existing non-full-EE project. JNDI is a drag in those
case. Most of my customers develop under Tomcat, test under Tomcat... and
then go to production on Websphere or Weblogic. If we need JNDI for
and even some INTEGRATION environment that use Tomcat (or Jetty), then it
will be useless for most of these project.
I still think that configuration shouldn't depend on JNDI
My 2 cents
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 00:33, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> Jetty is not a Java EE product, that's why it doesn't work as you would
> expect it to.
> Werner Keil wrote on 06/18/11 12:16 AM:
>> Thanks Bill.
>> I just got a concern by one of our Test Automation guys the other day who
>> wanted
>> to use Jetty instead of WebLogic in one of several "test" stages. And he
>> said,
>> JNDI works totally different there than on WebLogic which represents our
>> "production" stage.
>> So it looks like always present it isn't used in such a unified way that
>> you can
>> just switch from one environment to the other without special precautions.
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com
>> <mailto:bill.shannon_at_oracle.**com <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com>>> wrote:
>> Werner Keil wrote on 06/17/2011 11:55 PM:
>> I don't know, if JNDI can be assumed to be available in every stage
>> JNDI is there in every Java EE product, "stage" shouldn't change that.
Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
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