
[jsr342-experts] JSR 342 Mailing Lists

From: Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 15:46:58 -0700

There are 2 mailing lists for the javaee-spec project that we will
be using for general discussions:



The jsr342-experts list is the mailing list that we will use for our
expert group work. All Expert Group members are members of this list
and can post to it. Posting is restricted to members of the Expert

The users list is the list for java.net members who wish to be
observers of our work or who wish to use the list to interact among
themselves and with us to discuss items related to our work. The
users list serves as a "reflector" of the jsr342-experts list -- i.e.,
users_at_javaee-spec.java.net is a member of jsr342-experts_at_javaee-spec.java.net,
so that users can directly receive emails posted to the jsr342-experts list.
Both lists are archived as part of the javaee-spec project.

We encourage you to subscribe to the users list or to monitor its archive
so that you can receive any feedback that is posted to this list.

If there are members of your company who wish to be "lurkers" to our
expert group email, they should be urged to subscribe to the users
email list or to view the activity on our list through the archives.
To be able to do either one, they will first need to become java.net
members. This can be done at https://java.net/people/new. To
subscribe to the users email list, they should then click the "Bookmark
This Project" link on the http://java.net/projects/javaee-spec project
page to become observer members of our project.

We also have a JCP-provided expert group mailing list, namely
jsr-342-eg_at_jcp.org. We will be using this JCP mailing list only
for communications which are explicitly intended to be restricted
to expert group members. We expect to use this list rarely, if
ever. Because it is our intent to conduct our specification work
in the open, the JCP list should not be used for technical discussion.

Please make sure that the email address that is registered for you for
any of these lists is the one which you want to use to post as well
as receive expert group messages.


