[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Re: Re: JSR 375 EDR1 Review - Initial comments

From: Ajay Reddy <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 10:16:34 -0500


Some more comments for 1c, 2f, 3a 3b below..,

We can try to discuss some of this in the call today if possible (I will be
on for the first hour).

arjan tijms <> wrote on 04/01/2017 09:25:51 AM:

> From: arjan tijms <>
> To: "" <jsr375-
> Date: 04/01/2017 09:27 AM
> Subject: [javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Re: JSR 375
> EDR1 Review - Initial comments
> Hi,
> On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 6:57 AM, Ajay Reddy <> wrote:
> Here are my initial set of comments/questions for the EDR1 review
> based on the current doc so far. Will continue to review. Thanks for
> all who have worked on this.
> 1) Authentication Mechanism:
> a) When the auth-method is set to AUTHMECH and the application does
> not provide its own HttpAuthenticationMechanism what is the expected
> behavior? Depends on the container (if it provides a system one or not)?
> Perhaps we could do the following:
> 1. No login-config ellement at all -> JSR 375 checks for
> HttpAuthenticationMechanism. If no HttpAuthenticationMechanism
> found do nothing from the JSR 375 perspective. If
> HttpAuthenticationMechanism found, install it (and mandate
> or recommend writing a log message about this?)
> 2. login-config element with any value other than AUTHMECH -> do
> nothing from the JSR 375 perspective
> 3. login-config element with value AUTHMECH -> JSR 375 checks for
> HttpAuthenticationMechanism. If no HttpAuthenticationMechanism
> found throw an exception and abort the startup process
> b) The HttpMessageContext description is missing in the doc.
> The main description is in the JavaDoc, which is part of the spec
> regardless of what's in the spec document. I'm not 100% sure when
> something is sufficiently spec'ed when in the JavaDoc and when it
> actually must be in the spec document as well.
> c) What is the difference in the expected behavior when the validate
> returns INVALID vs NOT_VALIDATED? Container dependent or anything
> that spec needs to address? Believe INVALID should be resulting in
> some re-login attempt but NOT_VALIDATED would have to throw an exception.
> I think you're referring here to the CredentialValidationResult used
> with the IdenityStore, aren't you? This one:
>    public enum Status {
>         /**
>          * Indicates that the credential could not be validated
>          */
>         NOT_VALIDATED,
>         /**
>          * Indicates that the credential is not valid after a validation
>          * attempt.
>          */
>         INVALID,
> This originally came from Alex. The idea is that NOT_VALIDATED is
> returned when the store is not capable of validating the given
> credential, i.e. has no knowledge about how to validate it. This
> happens when for example a TokenCredential is handed over to an
> IdentityStore that only knows about CallerNamePasswordCredentials.
> INVALID means the store recognised the credential, and it has
> decided that it's an invalid one.

I was thinking more from a client point of view (eg browser). If at the end
of the authentication, if INVALID is thrown by the validate method, there
might be a re-prompt for the client to re-enter the credentials (because
may be the password was incorrect). If NOT_VALIDATED is thrown (none of the
stores are capable of validating the given credential), is there anything
the container need to indicate to the client? Guess it is similar to the
case where web.xml says BASIC but the client sends CERTS and depends on the
container unless we want to come up with something new here.

> 2) Identity Store:
> a) Since there is no authorization being performed by the identity
> store itself may be use AuthorizationInfo or UserGroups or something
> similar - as pointed out in the review comment.
> b) As the review comment suggests, Set would be more appropriate
> when returning the groups for both methods.
> True, logically it's indeed a Set. Lists are nevertheless more
> commonly used, but as there are 2 members suggesting it to be a Set
> I believe we should change it to that, then.
> c) For the issue with callerPrincipal not being unique when getting
> groups, the unique identifier approach makes sense.
> d) The simple way to protect the getGroups call is to use a Java 2
> permission (when security manager is enabled) but very few folks
> enable Java 2 security.
> Indeed, the reason few folks enable it is that enabling the (JavaSE)
> SecurityManager checks a lot of things a lot of times. Basically
> every input/output, low level socket operations and what have you.
> This may severely slow things down. On top of that, quite a lot of
> code is hard to get working correctly with the SecurityManager
> enabled, and worst of all, potential violations are hard to test for.
> That all said, there are already a couple of Java 2 permissions
> checked (with security manager enabled) for setting the
> HttpAuthenticationMechanism (or rather, the lower level constructs
> it depends on). If there's sufficiently consensus about getGroups
> being sensitive, I guess it would not hurt that much to add a Java 2
> permission check.
> e) The configuration to make the build-it beans available is
> something specific to the containers/servers - i.e outside of the
> specification?
> No, this is standardised via the XYZDefinition annotations. E.g.
> @DataBaseIdentityStoreDefinition. We were still thinking though how
> to best allow for additional vendor specific configuration.
> Something like key/values may work, and of course a vendor can
> always introduce a second vendor specific annotation that the
> implementation of that vendor picks up.
> f) Given the concern for Embedded IdentityStore, may be we can make
> just the LDAP IdentityStore as required and others optional for
> containers to implement since anyone can implement their own
> specific IdentityStore?
> Though I understand the concern, I don't really think we should make
> it optional. As mentioned, anyone can implement their own store
> anyway, so why give up the convenience of setting up security
> initially in a trivial way?
> As this proposal came initially from Reza (who's not on the EG but
> helped a lot with setting up the JSR initially) we could ask him for
> his thoughts here.

One of other reasons for being optional is because I am not sure if any
specification can (or has) dictated a specific repository to be supported
by a container. Yes, containers do support multiple stores based on
customer needs but it is upto to the container. Since this anyone can
implement their store, why make this a restriction in this specification
and for some reason we have to - let's make it LDAP. Want to hear from
others - including other container providers.

> g) For the LDAP IdentityStore annotations, one approach could be to
> use the LDAP filter format when searching the users/groups -
> something like (&(objectClass=person)(objectClass=user))? Wanted to
> get some thoughts on this.
> Some examples:
> userFilter="(&(uid=%v)(objectclass=person))" // to search for the
> user using the uid attribute in person ObjectClass.
> groupMemberFilter
> ="groupOfNames:member;groupOfUniqueNames:uniqueMember" // to search
> for groups for the user using the member and uniqueMember attributes
> in the groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames objectclasses respectively.
> These would be similar to callerQuery/groupsQuery in the database
> Also, given the fact that a user is represented in multiple ways in
> LDAP and can log-in using different formats (bob -
> - cn=Bob Smith,ou=myCompany,o=us) we need a consistent way to return
> for the programmatic APIs like getUserPrincipal, getRemoteUser,
> getCallerPrincipal,(bob which is the uid - for eg). This might
> require another filter to get that information.
> For example (use the uid attribute from the objectClass person)
> userIdMap="person:uid"
> These filters can be directly passed to the LDAP servers during
> search and are flexible enough to handle any attribute that one
> wants to use. This would also reduce the # of methods.
> Should authenticateOnly and authorizeOnly be just authenticate and
> authorize/authorizeInfo/userGroups?
> Should baseDN be bindDN?
> It all sounds good, but I have to say I'm not a huge LDAP expert. I
> created the initial version of the store which just mirrored how I
> happened to have set up security via LDAP only a couple of times. I
> do know there are almost an endless different ways to represent data
> in LDAP, so would be absolutely good if someone with more LDAP
> knowledge takes a very good look at this.
> 3) Security Context
> Not sure how much of the Security Context will be supported in this
> JSR given the resource/time issues that have been mentioned. The
> api-sec includes more methods than listed in the current doc. For
> a) getAllDeclaredCallerRoles - Expected to return all the assigned
> roles for the caller principal (directly and indirectly through
> groups) in the authorization configuration? If so, since the role to
> user/group mapping is at the application level, this can include
> additional roles that may not be relevant to this web resource - or
> some kind of filtering is expected?
> Yes, the filtering is done for each role by checking if the user is
> currently in that role. We should carefully craft the specification
> of what this exactly is supposed to return, but simply said it are
> the static roles, meaning the roles that are declared upfront in the
> *web* app and are discovered during startup.
> More formally, it are all the WebRoleRefPermission instances that
> the JACC specification specifies to be collected, even though the
> implementation on request by Will would not actually have to use
> JACC for this (if I'm not mistaken the Servlet spec also refers to
> this collection algorithm, even though Servlet containers are not
> required to actually use JACC).
> JSR 375 as of now does not distinguish between roles that are
> available globally and roles that are only valid in the context of a
> specific Servlet. Since (correct me if I'm wrong) roles per Servlet
> are a Java EE feature that is extremely little used in practice,
> this distinction is not there. It could be added of course, at the
> cost of some extra complexity in the API.
> Alternatively we could warn that the list of roles is only valid for
> the moment it has been requested and from the context which it is
> requested. Note this is conceptually not much different from storing
> the result of a request.isUserInRole call and re-using that outcome

Not having a dependency on JACC is a good thing. Thanks Will :-)

Ya, I was thinking about .ear files that could contain global roles that
may not be applicable to this webapp. Something we need to clarify. So wrt
to a WAR app, this would return all the assigned roles for the caller - not
all roles in the app?

> b) hasAccess* - what web resources are these? Same app only or any
> web app in the container? What are the typical use cases for this?
> These are the resources as specified by JACC and Servlet
> specifications for the resource parameter of
> the WebResourcePermission. Simply said, they are the URLs or pages
> of a web application.
> The typical use case is rendering a menu in a web application that
> only includes the pages a caller has actually access to. Another use
> case is rendering links to pages that the caller does not have
> access to using a different color or with a lock symbol etc behind it.

I guess just having them pass the URLs here should be fine - i.e just
boolean hasAccessToWebResource(String resourceURL)?

> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
> Will have to investigate these more but wanted to understand the
> usage/use cases first.
> Thanks for your time.
> Regards,
> Ajay Reddy