[javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Comments on Current Spec Content

From: Will Hopkins <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 10:25:31 -0500

First of all, many thanks to Arjan for putting together the first draft of our spec -- it's an excellent start.

I've had a look at it, and have some comments/questions for discussion. I think the biggest issues to resolve are probably:

Any and all comments welcome.



0.0 General

2.4 Installation

2.6 Validation and obtaining caller data

2.7 Build-in Identity Store Beans

2.8. Handling multiple identity stores

3.3 Relationship to other specs

3.4 Installation

3.5 Orchestrating the authentication dialog

4.0 General

4.2 Relationship to other specs

4.3 Testing for Caller Data

Will Hopkins | Platform Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310
Oracle Cloud Application Foundation
35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803