I wonder about that too tbh. Time is quickly running out now.
Kind regards,Arjan Tijms
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 11:21 AM, Werner Keil <werner.keil@gmail.com> wrote:
--Kind Regards,So either there is nothing done at all or they are too busy rescuing Oracle led projects first, can't say. The sources of JSR 275 are secured and everyhing else like the Wiki or forums who cares, sorry but there is a new and final JSR now. That's why I tried to use it as "test bunny" but so far the test did not take place.I requested a tarball and auto-forward from https://kenai.com/projects/Will, have you heard an official directive by Oracle (the part that operates java.net) on how to progress and when is the point of no return?With the current mirrors of the codebase and GitHub organization JSR 375 seems relatively prepared. User Stories only on JIRA sound like the weakest point. I send this to both the Java.net alias and Google Group, so mailing lists also exist in a redundant form.Any plans for moving yet?The London EC F2F (I had a temporary problem with my "identity" if you want so joined it all by phone;-) had reports by Spec Leads including Ed Burns. And with a much longer legacy and history in some of his JSRs (JSF, Servlet,...) he certainly should be among the most concerned Spec Leads when it comes to losing all that in 2-3 months.
jsr-275/ to a new page under our GitHub organization for JSR 363, given 275 has record-breaking downloads (>115k within a year right now) thanks to some projects using it, and we at least want to preserve its history with such a large user base. Nothing happened, I did not even get a confirmation email for my request.
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-- Will Hopkins | Platform Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310 Oracle Cloud Application Foundation 35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803