[javaee-security-spec users] Re: [jsr375-experts] Re: Add OAuth2 and/or OpenID Connect Support to JSR-375?

From: reza_rahman <>
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:50:30 +0100

+1. Definitely agree with Rudy's observations.
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Rudy De Busscher <> Date: 11/8/16 6:43 AM (GMT+01:00) To: Werner Keil <> Cc:, Java EE Security API - JSR 375 - Experts <> Subject: [javaee-security-spec users] [jsr375-experts] Re: Add OAuth2 and/or OpenID Connect Support to JSR-375?
So it is the idea to add an OAuth2/OpenIDConnect server to all the Java EE certified application servers?
I agree that an OAuth2 client is a very good idea for JSR375 but- Almost everyone uses a separate server for OAuth2, most of the time not even managed by the company itself.- When created and maintained by the company itself, it is always on a separate server instance which doesn't need any Java EE capabilities.
So, for me, an OAuth2 server shouldn't be standardized within Java EE security API also because the protocol is already standardized somewhere else.
Best regardsRudy

On 7 November 2016 at 22:19, Werner Keil <> wrote:
Thanks for the update. I forwarded the message to Antoine who mentioned concerns about the complexity of an OAuth Provider (while e.g. Agorava only consumes OAuth services as of now) 
This is a list of projects implementing the server-side on StackOverflow:

It sounds a bit similar as e.g. the situation of the (not yet filed) Java Config JSR related to efforts like Apache Tamaya, Commons Configuration or maybe Netflix Archaius.
All of those use the Apache License, while at the moment (despite e.g. David's initial approach in the "sandbox" claiming those examples were Copyright Apache Foundation and under the Apache License;-) e.g. JSR 375 aims at the "Glassfish" system and license scheme. Where suddenly changing the RI to Apache could be a challenge. If it was possible (JCache is so far the only recent exception where Greg and Oracle decided to go with the Apache License except for the TCK, it may actually be double- or triple-licensed, maybe an option here, too?) then projects like Apache Oltu sound very interesting and could speed things up quite a bit.

Kind Regards,

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 9:56 PM, Will Hopkins <> wrote:

    Sounds like there's consensus support for including OAuth in some


    Werner, are you open to including server-side features in the
    universe of OAuth functionality we consider for JSR 375?  As part of
    the process we'll need to think about and decide on specifics, which
    could result in dropping server-side features for reasons of size or
    complexity, but it seems like we should at least start by
    considering all the options.  That way, even if we defer some
    features, we've at least done some initial thinking about them.


    Clarifying question:  When we talk about server-side features, my
    assumption is we are only talking about support for
    servers/applications consuming OAuth tokens -- i.e., it does not
    include OAuth Authorization Server functionality.  Is that everyone
    else's view as well?  We could certainly discuss whether EE should
    include an AS, but the AS is typically standalone and external to
    both client and server, and has far more complex requirements.  We
    could presumably standardize client and server without any
    requirement to standardize the AS (except to the extent that we
    wanted to standardize a mechanism for declaring/managing scopes
    known to an AS).




    On 11/06/2016 12:21 PM, Ivar Grimstad


        I haven't seen the survey results yet, but if Oauth/OpenID
          Connect is ranked third there I really think we should try to
          fit it into JSR375. As you say, these are widely adopted
          technologies that Java EE should provide good support for.


        There is also the aspect of respecting the community survey
          and regaining some of the trust lost the last year. If we
          choose to leave Oauth/OpenID Connect to JSR-Next, we should be
          prepared for a great deal of negative response in terms of "...they're
            ignoring the community again..." etc.

        To sum up, I am all for including Oauth/OpenID Connect in
          JSR 375, thus doing it sooner rather than later.


          On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 9:39 PM Werner Keil <>


              I had a chat with CDI Spec Lead
                Antoine at JavaOne about OAuth and he pointed out, what
                we did at Agorava (based on CDI) was Client-side OAuth
                and that Server-side OAuth or OpenID connect support
                would be more complex and sophisticated. Probably among
                the reasons, it's been intended for a future Security

              Maybe sticking to the client-side
                could work for JSR 375.

              Check out Agorava-core 
              It is based mainly around standard
                technologies. A few aspects like Jackson could likely
                use the new JSON-B JSR for Java EE 8.

              Kind Regards,


                On Fri, Nov 4, 2016
                  at 9:18 PM, arjan tijms <>


                      For OAuth support an issue
                        was created in the tracker some time ago, see

                      So this doesn't seem quite
                        out of scope and would be a really welcome

                      There is of course the
                        question about time and resourcing, but an OAuth
                        feature is something that could be worked on
                        fairly independently from some of the other open

                      OAuth is also clearly a
                        more user visible feature and could help with
                        making JSR 375 more attractive to a general
                        group of developers. Some of the other open
                        issues are more about somewhat technical gaps in
                        the EE security architecture like the
                        standardised type for the user/caller principal
                        and the role mapper. While quite important, such
                        things may not directly capture the imagination
                        of the largest group of developers.

                      Kind regards,
                      Arjan Tijms





                          On Fri, Nov
                            4, 2016 at 8:28 PM, Will Hopkins <>



                              I have been asked to get a sense of how
                              the EG would feel about adding OAuth2
                              and/or OpenID Connect support to JSR-375.


                              Our plan of record has been to defer
                              OAuth/OpenID Connect until the next
                              security JSR, so that we can wrap up
                              JSR-375 quickly and move on to
                              cloud-oriented technologies, including
                              OAuth/OpenID Connect, as expeditiously as
                              possible.  That still seems like a good
                              plan to me -- anything we do with
                              OAuth/OpenID Connect is likely to require
                              significant time and effort to get right,
                              and we don't want to put out something
                              half-baked and have to fix it (or support
                              it) later. Deferring it allows us to
                              release the existing features of JSR-375
                              quickly, and move on to JSR-Next -- which
                              is more than just OAuth/OpenID Connect --
                              as soon as possible.


                              That said, OAuth/OpenID Connect ranked
                              third, after ReST services and HTTP/2, in
                              the most recent EE community survey. 
                              Clearly, the community wants OAuth/OpenID
                              Connect support in EE.  Both are strategic
                              security technologies with wide acceptance
                              and adoption in real-world applications
                              today.  We could decide to take that on in
                              JSR-375, and probably make it available
                              sooner than if we waited for JSR-Next. 
                              Or, we could do a smaller piece in JSR-375
                              -- perhaps just OpenID Connect, which is a
                              simpler model (authentication only) -- and
                              then add OAuth2 proper in JSR-Next.


                              Either way, we're talking about
                              substantial additional time, effort, and
                              complexity to add any part of OAuth/OpenID
                              Connect to JSR-375. There may be other
                              considerations as well -- for example, are
                              there ramifications in terms of adding
                              brand new technology areas that were not
                              mentioned in the original JSR proposal? 
                              We'd have to work through those issues
                              before making a final decision.  I don't
                              think the upcoming EDR deadline is an
                              obstacle -- worst case, we could add a TBD
                              placeholder section for OAuth.


                              So.  There are pros and cons to any course
                              of action here.  It would be great to wrap
                              up JSR-375 quickly and move on, but given
                              the importance of OAuth/OpenID Connect, so
                              doing it sooner rather than later might be
                              the right decision even if it delays


                              What do you all think?





                                  Will Hopkins | Platform Security
                                  Architect | +1.781.442.0310

                                  Oracle Cloud Application Foundation

                                  35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803





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Will Hopkins | Platform Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310
Oracle Cloud Application Foundation
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