[javaee-security-spec users] Interested in access control

From: <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 05:56:10 +0000 (UTC)

Hi all,

I would like to introduce myself to this group. I'm an entrepreneur
with a main science and technology foundation, I run my company, Wirex,
since year 2000, and before I was a researcher in the computer security
and access control area. Particularly, I served as program committee
member for ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control and I wrote the
ISO SQL:1999 standard new role-based security features.

Currently, I'm opening the project, that will provide an
open source implementation of RBAC functionalities for Java. I will
start the project by contributing Java RBAC code that has been in use
for several years into production on gaming servers developed by my

I'm looking with interest to this JSR where I would be glad to
contribute mainly for access control with two main work areas:

- adherence to standards, particularly ANSI RBAC;
- common ground between Java Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition.

I look forward to be involved in these topics and others if it could be
of some help. I will start by proposing some new discussions regarding
RBAC adoption.

Luigi Giuri
LinkedIn: luigigiuri