Hi *,
I created a simplistic, but realistic Java EE 7 app:
https://github.com/AdamBien/secspike based on with, JAX-RS, EJB and JPA.
The ToDo item comes with changedBy, createdBy attributes derived from the Principal.
It is ToDo application with corresponding JAX RS 2.0 system test / client, so it should be easy to test different auth scenarios.
We can move it from my repo to wherever you like.
My goal is to keep the authorization / authentication part as convenient, elegant and usable as only possible,
Should we start with user name / password login implementation and in-memory IdentityStore? We could copy this app for each scenario and reuse the already existing sec examples.
Should we use GF 4.X as reference server?
I broke my underarm, so my coding speed suffers a bit, but next week should be back to normal.