
[jsr375-experts] Changes to management of GitHup organization and repositories

From: Will Hopkins <will.hopkins_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2016 16:03:23 -0500

I'd like to run some proposed changes to the GitHub organization and repositories by you all, to get your feedback.

At the moment, the Source of Truth for the spec-api repository is java.net, and the repository is mirrored read-only to GitHub. The SoT for soteria is at GitHub, and it does not appear at all on java.net. This makes it confusing to know where to submit changes, and permissions on spec-api are not open for all EG members at the moment (although that can be fixed). Java.net is also slower and more difficult to use than GitHub.

As spec lead, I need to be able to manage what is submitted to both spec and code repositories, and to ensure that all contributions are made by people who have signed the appropriate agreements. This is both to ensure that submissions are appropriate and to avoid any licensing issues with IP submitted to our repositories.

I would like to propose some changes to the repositories to make the processes easier and more consistent across the board:

So, any thoughts?  Does this seem reasonable?



Will Hopkins | Platform Security Architect | +1.781.442.0310
Oracle Cloud Application Foundation
35 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803