Thanks to the hard work of Mark and Romain, the latest TomEE 7.0.2-SNAPSHOT
now passes all tests for JSR 375/Soteria. I've added TomEE as a CI target
for Travis.
Note that Soteria uses quite an amount of advanced features and integration
points from CDI, Servlet, etc, so I think this is a great testimony not
just for Soteria, but also for TomEE and Java EE in general. Only a few
years ago I'm sure something like Soteria could not have been coded as a
portable library.
There's a small caveat left and that's that for Liberty Soteria uses a Weld
specific API to activate CDI a little bit earlier per request than Liberty
would normally do, plus WildFly and Payara require proprietary XML files to
be present in the archive.
So it's not 100% perfect yet, but I'd say very close now ;)
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms