On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 4:55 PM, arjan tijms <arjan.tijms_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Werner Keil <werner.keil_at_gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Great, thanks.
>> Where they do, as a first step the "embedded" API module might still go
>> into examples (or "proposals" sandbox, which one you think was best) but
>> soon it would be great to have the Spec/API repo filled with life, too.
> Okay, for the authentication mechanism draft proposal I added the
> implementation as well.
> As for the demo applications, I think we could do with a top level
> repository "demo-apps", so we could get
> https://github.com/javaee-security-spec/demo-apps
> Unfortunately I noticed I have insufficient permissions to create a new
> repository. I guess Alex as the organization owner has these permissions.
> Alternatively I could add the demo applications to a folder in
> https://github.com/javaee-security-spec/javaee-security-examples
Maybe put it under
https://github.com/javaee-security-spec/javaee-security-examples, I'm not
sure, to what level we should separate demos, but we can always do that
> I dedicated at least a chapter on security to JSR 375 in my upcoming
>> Social Java book, too. I should have a bit of time after Christmas to
>> continue writing ;-)
> Sounds great!
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
> Kind Regards,