
[jsr375-experts] Re: [JAVAEE_SECURITY_SPEC-6] Password Aliasing - is it necessary?

From: Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonteiro_at_tomitribe.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 08:50:31 +0200

>> Or, do we mean we want something like a client-side (outbound)
>> authentication method that is set in an API, which corresponds to a
>> ClientAuthenticationModule that understands the authentication method,
>> and knows how to get/use the credentials. This would not be a string
>> replacement alias, but rather something like a simple API for any
>> client-side authentication?
> I am thinking the latter i.e. the simple API. At the same time this would
> also need a close relationship with SSL.
Do you have real use cases for that.
In my head and from my experience, replacing clear passwords with
tokens/alias would have been very useful in many projects, but to be honest
I'm still trying to figure out about the API usage.