On Monday, March 23, 2015, David Blevins <dblevins_at_tomitribe.com> wrote:
> We have a lot of assumed knowledge going on. I know we all have different
> backgrounds and levels of experience.
> I'm good in JAAS and JACC, weak in JASPIC. I can't be the only one.
> I'd love to show a simple version of all three at this weeks JavaLand talk.
> Arjan, you're probably the most qualified. Possible you could craft up a
> simple hard-coded example of a JASPIC SAM?
Sure, I can post one in about an hour. You can look at the Java EE samples
project at GitHub as well. The basic authentication tests
specifically contain quite a number of SAMs which use hardcoded values.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
> -
> https://github.com/javaee-security-spec/bootstrap/tree/master/simple-jaspic-example
> I have the start of a JAAS example here:
> -
> https://github.com/javaee-security-spec/bootstrap/tree/master/simple-jaas-example
> The idea is the examples will use the same fixed values:
> - username: snoopy
> - password: woodst0ck
> - roles:
> - RedBaron
> - JoeCool
> - MansBestFriend
> --
> David Blevins
> http://twitter.com/dblevins
> http://www.tomitribe.com
> 310-633-3852