Last Call for CommunityOne Submissions & Reminder for GlassFish Awards Program

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 21:59:45 -0800

[[Apologies for the SPAM; please direct any follow-ups to the alias]]

Two related announcements:


Last two days for CommunityOne submissions. CommunityOne is the day
before JavaOne, at the Moscone. This year we expect a substantial
increase in attendance from last year and you can be a part of it!

Details to [1]. Submit at [6]; register at [5]. More description of the
program at [2].



The GlassFish Awards Program is now ongoing. Details of this $175K
program are available at [3] and at [4].



Any questions, send them to

Thanks! Hope to see you in San Francisco in May 5th.

        - eduard/o