About the use case of HK2 Module System

From: Imran M Yousuf <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2007 16:30:55 +0600


I have a use case scenario and wanted to know whether HK2 is intended for
such scenarios. I am stating the summary of the scenarios. Please give your
feedbacks on whether HK2 is the right System for it and please feel free to
make suggestions. Please feel free to ask me any questions in this regard.

In short I am thinking of developing a Framework consisting of 3 layers.
Every layer, other than the Layer 0, will be a plugin on the layer below it.
Thus the requirement is to add plugins on the fly. So if a plugin on the 3rd
layer (Layer 2) is added it will add its dependent Layer 1 plugins and so
on. The second part of the requirement is that the framework during
deployment can be deployed in 2 manners built/packaged with plugins, which
is not my concern as that will include all the required dependencies and the
second manner is (which is my preference) the framework will be deployed
with its bare minimum, i.e. the core only, and later the user will add the
plugins that is required for his/her operations. This means Libraries can be
added in runtime without having to worry about the dependency resolution as
the system will resolve it. Moreover if its a hosting service, multiple
versions of the same plugin might also be present in the same system

I will be grateful if I received a response in this regard. I would also be
thankful if I could be guided towards some documents on how to achieve it.

Thank you,

Imran M Yousuf
Entrepreneur & Software Engineer
Smart IT Engineering
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mobile: +880-1711402557