Re: Why are we not using the maven-bundle-plugin?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:33:39 -0700

Hi Sahoo (et al.) can we try to use the DEV alias a bit more instead of
private email?

Or close this and use DEV_at_GF, or whatever...

        - eduard/o

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Sahoo wrote:
>> We are going to use maven-bundle-plugin pretty soon. I am in the
>> process of making the changes in my local workspace.
> Ah, OK. That's great. Thanks.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>> I noticed that OSGi metadata are hard-coded in HK2 POMs, instead of
>>> computing them by using maven-bundle-plugin.
>>> Is this intentional? Is it that we need some special thing that makes it
>>> difficult to use maven-bundle-plugin?
>>> I ask this because the hard-coding of the version (see below) makes it
>>> impossible to use maven release plugin, which in turn makes it
>>> impossible for us to isolate HK2 builds and problems from the rest of
>>> GFv3.
>>>> <properties>
>>>> <!-- Sice OSGi versioning scheme differs from Maven
>>>> versioning scheme,
>>>> every time we change Maven version, we need to change
>>>> the OSGi
>>>> version (below property) as well. -->
>>>> <hk2-osgi-version>0.2.0.SNAPSHOT</hk2-osgi-version>
>>>> </properties>
>>> If maven-bundle-plugin can be used and auto-compute the version number,
>>> that's great. Otherwise, I'll write a small mojo so that we can compute
>>> hk2-osgi-version value from the project version.