Well, you should ask yourself, how do I want to manage the server (i.e.
send it a 'stop' command)?
One way is to use System.in as in the example. Another way I have used is
something like:
final AtomicBoolean keepRunning = new AtomicBoolean(true) ;
while (keepRunning.get()) {
try {
Thread.sleep(5000) ;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
keepRunning.set(false) ;
Then expose a method through JMX that sets the 'keepRunning' to false.
Which means I can for example start JConsole, attach to the server JVM and
invoke my stop method from JConsole.
2014-06-25 16:45 GMT+02:00 LongkerDandy <longkerdandy_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi
> I've a TCP Server based on Grizzly, and I followed the examples start the
> server with codes like:
> this.transport.bind(this.host, this.port);
> this.transport.start();
> System.in.read();
> I wondered if there is a better way to keep the thread runing without
> using System.in.read().
> It doesn't seem to be a elegant way for this job, and easily run into
> trouble with carefuless mistake.
> Regards
> LongkerDandy