Re: Upload a large file without oom with Grizzly

From: Ryan Lubke <>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 21:53:06 -0700


I've committed my initial changes to the AHC repository. Here's a
summary of the changes:

        *Improvements to the FeedableBodyGenerator (Grizzly's).
- Don't allow queueing of data before initiateAsyncTransfer has been
invoked. In low memory
heaps, this could lead to an OOM if the source is feeding too fast. The
new behavior is to
block until initiateAsyncTransfer is called, at which time the blocked
thread may proceed with
the feed operation.
- Introduce the concept of a Feeder. Implementations are responsible, at
a high level, for:
+ letting the provider know that data is available to be fed without
+ allowing the registration of a callback that the Feeder implementation
may invoke
to signal that more data is available, if it wasn't available at a
previous point in time.
- When using a Feeder with a secure request, the SSL handshake will be
kicked off by the
initiateAsyncTransfer call, but feeding of data will not occur until the
handshake is complete.
This is necessary as the SSLFilter will queue up all writes until the
handshake is complete,
and currently, the buffer isn't tied in with the transport flow control
NOTE: This new SSL behavior is not currently applied when invoking the
feed() method
outside the context of a Feeder. Still need to address that.
- Exposed configuration of the async write queue limit through the
This is an improvement on using a TransportCustomizer as any
configuration there is
transport-wide, and therefor applied to all Connections. By exposing it
here, each feeder
may have a different byte limit.
- Improved documentation for this class*

I recommend reading through the javadoc comments in the source [1] for
FeedableBodyGenerator (comments welcome).
Additionally, I would re-work your code to leverage the Feeder instead
of calling feed() directly.

If you have issues implementing Feeder, do let us know.

If you have additional questions, again, let us know.



Ryan Lubke wrote:
> Sébastien Lorber wrote:
>> So in the end I've end up with an implementation that's working for me.
>> I think there are 2 bugs:
>> 1) The bytes can accumulate in the FeedableBodyGenerator queue if the
>> initialize(ctx) method is not called fast enough.
>> This can be solved by using a BlockingQueue of size 1 and the put()
>> method.
>> 2) Once the context is injected, the FeedableBodyGenerator flushes
>> the queue.
>> The matter is that if the connection is new, not warmed up by a
>> previous request, then the SSL handshake is not done yet, and it
>> seems that the bytes are accumulated in some part of the SSL filter
>> which doesn't deliver them to the connection until the handshake has
>> completed, so c.canWrite() continues to return true.
>> I have replaced some part of the FeedableBodyGenerator to test this
>> and it works pretty fine. See what I have changed:
>> 1)
>> private final BlockingQueue<BodyPart> queue = new
>> LinkedBlockingQueue<BodyPart>(1);
>> 2)
>> public void feed(final Buffer buffer, final boolean last) throws
>> IOException {
>> try {
>> queue.put(new BodyPart(buffer, last));
>> } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>> throw new RuntimeException(e);
>> }
>> queueSize.incrementAndGet();
>> if (context != null) {
>> blockUntilConnectionIsReadyToWrite(context);
>> flushQueue(true);
>> }
>> }
>> private void
>> blockUntilConnectionIsReadyToWrite(FilterChainContext fcc) {
>> if ( !connectionIsReadyToWrite(fcc) ) {
>> while ( !connectionIsReadyToWrite(fcc) ) {
>> try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new
>> RuntimeException(e); }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> private boolean connectionIsReadyToWrite(FilterChainContext fcc) {
>> Connection connection = fcc.getConnection();
>> SSLEngine sslEngine = SSLUtils.getSSLEngine(connection);
>> return sslEngine != null && !SSLUtils.isHandshaking(sslEngine);
>> }
>> What do you think?
> We had come to similar conclusions on this end. I'm still working
> through testing the idea I mentioned previously (took longer than I
> expected - sorry).
> I hope to have something for you to test very soon.
> Note that it will be taking the above into account as well.
>> 2013/9/5 Sébastien Lorber <
>> <>>
>> I have tried to put a while ( context == null ) Thread.sleep but
>> it doesn't seem to work, when the context gets injected, after
>> the sleeps, there's an OOM
>> So I hope you'll have more success with your alternative :)
>> I have done another test, remember my code that worked, which
>> previously "warmed" the Thread with an useless request.
>> private Runnable uploadSingleDocumentRunnable = new Runnable() {
>> @Override
>> public void run() {
>> try {
>> getUselessSessionCode();
>> Thread.sleep(X);
>> uploadSingleDocument();
>> } catch ( Exception e ) {
>> throw new RuntimeException("file upload failed",e);
>> }
>> }
>> };
>> I have put a sleep of X between the useless warmup request, and
>> the real upload request
>> What I noticed is that there is a very different behavior
>> according to the value of X
>> Under 10 seconds, it seems the stuff is still warm, I can upload
>> the documents.
>> Around 10 seconds I get a stack which seems to be "connection
>> closed" or something
>> Above 10 seconds, I get OOM like if the stuff wasn't warm.
>> The stacks I get for 10 seconds looks like
>> Caused by: SSLEngine is CLOSED
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.wrap(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.wrapAll(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.wrapAll(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.handleWrite(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.accurateWrite(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.handleWrite(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider$SwitchingSSLFilter.handleWrite(
>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ExecutorResolver$8.execute(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeFilter(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeChainPart(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.execute(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.process(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor.execute(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.write(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.write(
>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>> at
>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.flushQueue(
>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
>> at
>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.feed(
>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
>> I think I got some other different stacks saying Connection
>> Closed Remotely or something like that.
>> So it seems that something is bound to my thread, and it stays
>> bound to it for about 10 seconds, do you have any idea what it
>> could be?
>> (My connection timeout setting seems to have no effect on this
>> 10s threshold)
>> 2013/9/5 Ryan Lubke <
>> <>>
>> That is one solution. I'm working out an alternative right
>> now. Stay tuned!
>>> Anyway it's not a problem, I think the
>>> FeedableBodyGenerator.feed() method just has to block until
>>> a context has been (and ThreadCache initialized) to avoid
>>> OOM errors
>>> 2013/9/5 Sébastien Lorber <
>>> <>>
>>> What is very strange is that I tested with/without the
>>> same sessionCode with our previous code, the one not
>>> using FeedableBodyGenerator, which has a high memory
>>> consumption.
>>> Despites the fact it had high memory consumption, it
>>> seems work fine to upload multiple documents if
>>> allocated with a large heap, and the sessionCode seems
>>> to have no effect.
>>> On the new impl using the FeedableBodyGenerator, the
>>> sessionCode sent as a multipart bodypart seems to have
>>> an effect.
>>> I have tried to feed the queue before sending the
>>> request to AHC, but this leads to this exception
>>> (with/without sessionCode switching)
>>> Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException:
>>> Timeout exceeded
>>> at
>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider.timeout(
>>> at
>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider$3.onTimeout(
>>> at
>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.IdleTimeoutFilter$DefaultWorker.doWork(
>>> at
>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.IdleTimeoutFilter$DefaultWorker.doWork(
>>> at
>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.DelayedExecutor$
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>>> 2013/9/5 Sébastien Lorber <
>>> <>>
>>> By the way, by using a low timeout with the same
>>> sessioncode, I got the following NPE:
>>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at
>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.block(
>>> at
>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.blockUntilQueueFree(
>>> at
>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.flushQueue(
>>> at
>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.feed(
>>> GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider.HttpTransactionContext
>>> httpCtx =
>>> getHttpTransactionContext(c);
>>> httpCtx.abort(e.getCause());
>>> I guess the httpCtx is not already available to be
>>> aborted
>>> 2013/9/5 Sébastien Lorber
>>> <
>>> <>>
>>> This is right, here's a log I have when I use
>>> the same session code, ie the remote host is
>>> blocking the data or something.
>>> This is obtained by running 5 parallel uploads.
>>> *Flushing queue of size 0 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> *Flushing queue of size 97 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> *Flushing queue of size 100 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> *Flushing queue of size 160 with allowBlocking =
>>> true*
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 0 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit
>>> exceeded
>>> Dumping heap to /ome/lorber/ureau/om ...
>>> Unable to create /ome/lorber/ureau/om: Le
>>> fichier existe
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Disconnected from the target VM, address:
>>> ' <>',
>>> transport: 'socket'
>>> Otherwise, with different session codes, I get
>>> the following:
>>> *Flushing queue of size 0 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> *Flushing queue of size 0 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> *Flushing queue of size 0 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> *Flushing queue of size 0 with allowBlocking =
>>> false*
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> Flushing queue of size 1 with allowBlocking = true
>>> ... and this continues without OOM
>>> So, this seems to be the problem.
>>> I think it would be great to be able to be able
>>> to choose the queue impl behind
>>> that FeedableBodyGenerator, like I suggested in
>>> my pull request.
>>> See here:
>>> Using a LinkedBlockingQueue seems to be a nice
>>> idea in this context, and in my case I would
>>> probably use a queue of size 1
>>> This would handle the blocking of the feed
>>> method, without having to use this:
>>> if (context != null) {
>>> flushQueue(true);
>>> }
>>> Or perhaps the feed() method have to wait until
>>> a context is set in the BodyGenerator ?
>>> I think it would be more clear if
>>> the initializeAsynchronousTransfer simply didn't
>>> flush the queue but just setup the context.
>>> Then the feed method would block until there's a
>>> context set, and then flush the queue with
>>> blocking behavior.
>>> This is probably the next step, but as we are
>>> using AHC for async, it would probably be great
>>> if that blocking feed() method was called in a
>>> worker thread instead of our main thread.
>>> I won't use this but someone who really wants a
>>> non-blocking impl of performant multipart
>>> fileupload would probably need this, or will use
>>> an ExecutorService for the feeding operations as
>>> a workaround.
>>> Thanks again for your reactivity
>>> 2013/9/4 Ryan Lubke <
>>> <>>
>>> Sébastien Lorber wrote:
>>>> I've integrated this change and it works
>>>> fine except a little detail.
>>>> I'm uploading files to a third party API (a
>>>> bit like S3).
>>>> This API requires a "sessionCode" in each
>>>> request. So there is a multipart StringPart
>>>> with that SessionCode.
>>>> We used to have a cache which holds the
>>>> sessionCode 30min per user so that we do
>>>> not need to init a new session each time.
>>>> I had troubles in this very specific case:
>>>> when I upload 5 docs with the same session
>>>> code.
>>>> When I remove the cache and use 5 different
>>>> session codes, it works fine.
>>>> I guess the remote service is blocking
>>>> concurrent uploads with the same session
>>>> code. I don't know at all.
>>>> Where I want to go is that I wouldn't have
>>>> expected Grizzly to OOM
>>>> Avertissement: Exception during FilterChain
>>>> execution
>>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
>>>> at
>>>> java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.<init>(
>>>> at
>>>> java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLUtils.allocateOutputBuffer(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter$2.grow(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.ensureBufferSize(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.wrap(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.wrapAll(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.wrapAll(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.handleWrite(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.accurateWrite(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.handleWrite(
>>>> at
>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider$SwitchingSSLFilter.handleWrite(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ExecutorResolver$8.execute(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeFilter(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeChainPart(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.execute(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.process(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor.execute(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext$
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.resume(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter$SSLHandshakeContext.completed(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.notifyHandshakeComplete(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.handleRead(
>>>> at
>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider$SwitchingSSLFilter.handleRead(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ExecutorResolver$9.execute(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeFilter(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeChainPart(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.execute(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.process(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor.execute(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.transport.TCPNIOTransport.fireIOEvent(
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.AbstractIOStrategy.fireIOEvent(
>>>> Caused by:
>>>> java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: null
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.impl.SafeFutureImpl$Sync.innerGet(
>>>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>>>> at
>>>> org.glassfish.grizzly.impl.SafeFutureImpl.get(
>>>> ~[grizzly-framework-2.3.5.jar:2.3.5]
>>>> at
>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.block(
>>>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-204092c.jar:na]
>>>> at
>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.blockUntilQueueFree(
>>>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-204092c.jar:na]
>>>> at
>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.flushQueue(
>>>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-204092c.jar:na]
>>>> at
>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.feed(
>>>> ~[async-http-client-1.7.20-204092c.jar:na]
>>>> multipart.body.generator.feeder.buffer=100000
>>>> -> size of each Buffer sent to the
>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator
>>>> transport.max.pending.bytes=1000000
>>>> (I tried other settings, including AUTO_SIZE)
>>>> Do you have any idea why is there an OOM
>>>> with these settings?
>>>> Perhaps it is because the feed() method of
>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator doesn't block until
>>>> the context is initialized.
>>>> I guess the initializeAsynchronousTransfer
>>>> is called only once the connection is
>>>> established, and perhaps a lot of Buffer
>>>> are added to the queue...
>>> Yes, it's invoked once the request has been
>>> dispatched, so if the generator is fed a lot
>>> before the request, I could see this happening.
>>> I'll see what I can do to alleviate that case.
>>>> But I'm not sure at all because the session
>>>> code is transmitted as a BodyPart and I get
>>>> the same problem if i put it as the first
>>>> or last multipart.
>>>> It's not a big deal, perhaps I should
>>>> always use a different session code for
>>>> concurrent operations but I'd like to be
>>>> sure that we won't have this issue in
>>>> production...
>>>> 2013/9/3 Ryan Lubke <
>>>> <>>
>>>> Good catch. Fixed.
>>>> Sébastien Lorber wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> There's a little mistake in the
>>>>> grizzly ahc provider relative to the
>>>>> write queue size.
>>>>> As you can see, the
>>>>> TransportCustomizer is called, and
>>>>> then the write queue size (among other
>>>>> things) is set to AUTO_SIZE (instead
>>>>> of previously UNLIMITED)
>>>>> clientTransport.getAsyncQueueIO().getWriter()
>>>>> .setMaxPendingBytesPerConnection(AsyncQueueWriter.AUTO_SIZE);
>>>>> I think the default settings like this
>>>>> AUTO_SIZE attribute should be set
>>>>> before the customization of the
>>>>> transport, or they would override the
>>>>> value we customized.
>>>>> This is actually my case, since I
>>>>> can't reproduce my "bug" which is
>>>>> "high memory consumption", even when
>>>>> using -1 / UNLIMITED in the
>>>>> TransportCustomizer.
>>>>> This could work fine for me with
>>>>> AUTO_SIZE, but I'd rather be able to
>>>>> tune this parameter during load tests
>>>>> to see the effect.
>>>>> 2013/8/31 Sebastien Lorber
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Thanks i will ckeck that on
>>>>> monday. I can now upload a 500m
>>>>> file with 40m heap size ;)
>>>>> Envoyé de mon iPhone
>>>>> Le 30 aoűt 2013 ŕ 20:49, Ryan
>>>>> Lubke <
>>>>> <>> a
>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>> I'm going to be updating the
>>>>>> Grizzly provider such that
>>>>>> AUTO_SIZE (not AUTO_TUNE) is the
>>>>>> default, so you can avoid the use
>>>>>> of the TransportCustomizer.
>>>>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>>>>> Regarding your tuning question,
>>>>>>> I would probably set the value
>>>>>>> to AsyncQueueWriter.AUTO_TUNE
>>>>>>> (this will be four times the
>>>>>>> socket write buffer) and see how
>>>>>>> that works.
>>>>>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>>>>>> A question first. With these
>>>>>>>> changes, your memory usage is
>>>>>>>> more inline with what you were
>>>>>>>> looking for?
>>>>>>>> Sébastien Lorber wrote:
>>>>>>>>> By the way, do you have any
>>>>>>>>> idea when the 1.7.20 will be
>>>>>>>>> released (with these new
>>>>>>>>> improvements?)
>>>>>>>>> We would like to know if we
>>>>>>>>> wait for a release or if we
>>>>>>>>> install our own temp release
>>>>>>>>> on Nexus :)
>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/30 Sébastien Lorber
>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>> Thank you, it works fine!
>>>>>>>>> I just had to modify a
>>>>>>>>> single line after your commit.
>>>>>>>>> com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider#initializeTransport
>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>> clientTransport.getAsyncQueueIO().getWriter().setMaxPendingBytesPerConnection(10000);
>>>>>>>>> If I let the initial value
>>>>>>>>> (-1) it won't block,
>>>>>>>>> canWrite always returns true
>>>>>>>>> Btw, on AHC I didn't find
>>>>>>>>> any way to pass this value
>>>>>>>>> as a config attribute,
>>>>>>>>> neither the size of the
>>>>>>>>> write buffer you talked about.
>>>>>>>>> So in the end, is there a
>>>>>>>>> way with current AHC code
>>>>>>>>> to use this "canWrite =
>>>>>>>>> false" behavior?
>>>>>>>>> If not, can you please
>>>>>>>>> provide a way to set this
>>>>>>>>> behavior on v1.7.20 ? thanks
>>>>>>>>> PS: does it make sens to
>>>>>>>>> use the same number of
>>>>>>>>> bytes un the feed(Buffer)
>>>>>>>>> method and in the
>>>>>>>>> setMaxPendingBytesPerConnection(10000);
>>>>>>>>> ? do you have any tuning
>>>>>>>>> recommandation?
>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/29 Ryan Lubke
>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>> Please disregard.
>>>>>>>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien,
>>>>>>>>>> Could you also
>>>>>>>>>> provide a sample of
>>>>>>>>>> how you're performing
>>>>>>>>>> your feed?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> -rl
>>>>>>>>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien,
>>>>>>>>>>> I'd recommend
>>>>>>>>>>> looking at
>>>>>>>>>>> Connection.canWrite() [1]
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> Connection.notifyCanWrite(WriteListener)
>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>> By default, Grizzly
>>>>>>>>>>> will configure the
>>>>>>>>>>> async write queue
>>>>>>>>>>> length to be four
>>>>>>>>>>> times the write
>>>>>>>>>>> buffer size (which
>>>>>>>>>>> is based off the
>>>>>>>>>>> socket write buffer).
>>>>>>>>>>> When this queue
>>>>>>>>>>> exceeds this value,
>>>>>>>>>>> canWrite() will
>>>>>>>>>>> return false.
>>>>>>>>>>> When this occurs,
>>>>>>>>>>> you can register a
>>>>>>>>>>> WriteListener to be
>>>>>>>>>>> notified when the
>>>>>>>>>>> queue length is
>>>>>>>>>>> below the configured
>>>>>>>>>>> max and then
>>>>>>>>>>> simulate blocking
>>>>>>>>>>> until the
>>>>>>>>>>> onWritePossible()
>>>>>>>>>>> callback has been
>>>>>>>>>>> invoked.
>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> final
>>>>>>>>>>> FutureImpl<Boolean>
>>>>>>>>>>> future =
>>>>>>>>>>> Futures.createSafeFuture();
>>>>>>>>>>> //
>>>>>>>>>>> Connection may be
>>>>>>>>>>> obtained by calling
>>>>>>>>>>> FilterChainContext.getConnection().
>>>>>>>>>>> connection.notifyCanWrite(new
>>>>>>>>>>> WriteHandler() {
>>>>>>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>>>>> void
>>>>>>>>>>> onWritePossible()
>>>>>>>>>>> throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>> future.result(Boolean.TRUE);
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>>>>>>> public
>>>>>>>>>>> void
>>>>>>>>>>> onError(Throwable t) {
>>>>>>>>>>> future.failure(Exceptions.makeIOException(t));
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> });
>>>>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>>>>> final
>>>>>>>>>>> long writeTimeout = 30;
>>>>>>>>>>> future.get(writeTimeout,
>>>>>>>>>>> TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
>>>>>>>>>>> } catch
>>>>>>>>>>> (ExecutionException e) {
>>>>>>>>>>> HttpTransactionContext
>>>>>>>>>>> httpCtx =
>>>>>>>>>>> HttpTransactionContext.get(connection);
>>>>>>>>>>> httpCtx.abort(e.getCause());
>>>>>>>>>>> } catch
>>>>>>>>>>> (Exception e) {
>>>>>>>>>>> HttpTransactionContext
>>>>>>>>>>> httpCtx =
>>>>>>>>>>> HttpTransactionContext.get(connection);
>>>>>>>>>>> httpCtx.abort(e);
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien Lorber wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan, I've did some
>>>>>>>>>>>> other tests.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems that using
>>>>>>>>>>>> a blocking queue in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>> is totally useless
>>>>>>>>>>>> because the thread
>>>>>>>>>>>> consuming it is not
>>>>>>>>>>>> blocking and the
>>>>>>>>>>>> queue never blocks
>>>>>>>>>>>> the feeding, which
>>>>>>>>>>>> was my intention in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the beginning.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe it depends on
>>>>>>>>>>>> the IO strategy used?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I use AHC default
>>>>>>>>>>>> which seems to
>>>>>>>>>>>> use SameThreadIOStrategy
>>>>>>>>>>>> so I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>> it's related to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> IO strategy.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So in the end I can
>>>>>>>>>>>> upload a 70m file
>>>>>>>>>>>> with a heap of 50m,
>>>>>>>>>>>> but I have to put a
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thread.sleep(30)
>>>>>>>>>>>> between each 100k
>>>>>>>>>>>> Buffer send to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>> The connection with
>>>>>>>>>>>> the server is not
>>>>>>>>>>>> good here, but in
>>>>>>>>>>>> production it is
>>>>>>>>>>>> normally a lot
>>>>>>>>>>>> better as far as I
>>>>>>>>>>>> know.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I've tried things
>>>>>>>>>>>> like clientTransport.getAsyncQueueIO().getWriter().setMaxPendingBytesPerConnection(100000);
>>>>>>>>>>>> but it doesn't seem
>>>>>>>>>>>> to work for me.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Grizzly internals
>>>>>>>>>>>> to block when there
>>>>>>>>>>>> are too much
>>>>>>>>>>>> pending bytes to
>>>>>>>>>>>> send. Is it possible?
>>>>>>>>>>>> PS: I've just been
>>>>>>>>>>>> able to send a
>>>>>>>>>>>> 500mo file with
>>>>>>>>>>>> 100mo heap, but it
>>>>>>>>>>>> needed a sleep of
>>>>>>>>>>>> 100ms between each
>>>>>>>>>>>> 100k Buffer sent to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the bodygenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/29 Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> By chance do
>>>>>>>>>>>> you if I can
>>>>>>>>>>>> remove the
>>>>>>>>>>>> MessageCloner
>>>>>>>>>>>> used in the SSL
>>>>>>>>>>>> filter?
>>>>>>>>>>>> SSLBaseFilter$OnWriteCopyCloner
>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems to
>>>>>>>>>>>> allocate a lot
>>>>>>>>>>>> of memory.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't really
>>>>>>>>>>>> understand why
>>>>>>>>>>>> messages have
>>>>>>>>>>>> to be cloned,
>>>>>>>>>>>> can I remove
>>>>>>>>>>>> this? How?
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/29
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying
>>>>>>>>>>>> to send a
>>>>>>>>>>>> 500m file
>>>>>>>>>>>> for my
>>>>>>>>>>>> tests with
>>>>>>>>>>>> a heap of 400m.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In our real
>>>>>>>>>>>> use cases
>>>>>>>>>>>> we would
>>>>>>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>>>>>>> have files
>>>>>>>>>>>> under 20mo
>>>>>>>>>>>> but we want
>>>>>>>>>>>> to reduce
>>>>>>>>>>>> the memory
>>>>>>>>>>>> consumption
>>>>>>>>>>>> because we
>>>>>>>>>>>> can have x
>>>>>>>>>>>> parallel
>>>>>>>>>>>> uploads on
>>>>>>>>>>>> the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>> according
>>>>>>>>>>>> to the user
>>>>>>>>>>>> activity.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll try to
>>>>>>>>>>>> check if
>>>>>>>>>>>> using this
>>>>>>>>>>>> BodyGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced the
>>>>>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>>>>> footprint
>>>>>>>>>>>> or if it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> almost like
>>>>>>>>>>>> before.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/28
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan Lubke
>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> At this
>>>>>>>>>>>> point
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>>>>>> as far
>>>>>>>>>>>> as the
>>>>>>>>>>>> SSL
>>>>>>>>>>>> buffer
>>>>>>>>>>>> allocation
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> concerned,
>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> untunable.
>>>>>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>>>>>> said,
>>>>>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>>>>>> free to
>>>>>>>>>>>> open a
>>>>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>>>>> request.
>>>>>>>>>>>> As to
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> second
>>>>>>>>>>>> question,
>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>> is no
>>>>>>>>>>>> suggested
>>>>>>>>>>>> size.
>>>>>>>>>>>> This is
>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>> application
>>>>>>>>>>>> specific.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>> curious, how
>>>>>>>>>>>> large
>>>>>>>>>>>> of a
>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>> are you
>>>>>>>>>>>> sending?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> buffers which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> size
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 33842
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> limit
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> near
>>>>>>>>>>>>> half
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> capacity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps there's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a way
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tune
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> buffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> size
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> consumes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> less
>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ideal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> size
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> method?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/28
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lubke
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reviewing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the PR
>>>>>>>>>>>>> today,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> again!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the OOM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stands
>>>>>>>>>>>>> now,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for each
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new buffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> passed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the SSLFilter,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> allocate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> buffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> twice
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the size
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> order
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accommodate
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the encrypted
>>>>>>>>>>>>> result.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> increase.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Depending
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the socket
>>>>>>>>>>>>> configurations
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>>>>>> endpoints,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and how
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fast
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the remote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>> data,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the write
>>>>>>>>>>>>> queue
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> becoming
>>>>>>>>>>>>> too large.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> detect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> situation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Grizzly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> internals
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are currently
>>>>>>>>>>>>> shielded
>>>>>>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see what
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>>>>>>> users
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> leverage
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my pull
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my usecase
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it works,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is uploaded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> big
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> improvement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SSL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In memory,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HeapByteBuffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by SSLUtils$3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by BufferBuffers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by WriteResult
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hold
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by AsyncWriteQueueRecord
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exemple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OOM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stacktrace:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> space
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.<init>(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLUtils.allocateOutputBuffer(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter$2.grow(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.ensureBufferSize(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.wrap(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLConnectionContext.wrapAll(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.wrapAll(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLBaseFilter.handleWrite(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.accurateWrite(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLFilter.handleWrite(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.GrizzlyAsyncHttpProvider$SwitchingSSLFilter.handleWrite(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ExecutorResolver$8.execute(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeFilter(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeChainPart(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.execute(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.process(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor.execute(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.write(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext.write(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.flushQueue(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.FeedableBodyGenerator.feed(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder$FeedBodyGeneratorOutputStream.write(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.multipart.FilePart.sendData(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.multipart.Part.send(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.multipart.Part.sendParts(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at com.ning.http.client.providers.grizzly.MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder.feed(
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/27
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lubke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excellent!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forward
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pull
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a pull
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> request
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomorrow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> already
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I created
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OutputStream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BodyGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feeder.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I currently
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feeder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feeds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> faster
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> async
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thread
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> polling
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a limit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a thread
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sleep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> down
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filepart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/27
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lubke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tackle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> today.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodyGenerator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodyGeneratorFeeder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder(bodyGenerator);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Request
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uploadRequest1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RequestBuilder("POST")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .setUrl("url")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .setBody(bodyGenerator)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .build();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ListenableFuture<Response>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asyncRes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = asyncHttpClient
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .prepareRequest(uploadRequest1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .execute(new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AsyncCompletionHandlerBase());
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodyGeneratorFeeder.append("param1","value1");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodyGeneratorFeeder.append("param2","value2");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodyGeneratorFeeder.append("fileToUpload",fileInputStream);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bodyGeneratorFeeder.end();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Response
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uploadResponse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = asyncRes.get();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I guess
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interesting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultipartBodyGeneratorFeeder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grizzly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> achieve
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/8/26
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ryan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lubke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sébastien
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lorber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upload
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> / Grizzly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> streaming,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I mean
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> loading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bytes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allocate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a byte[]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contans
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OOM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> too
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upload
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a large
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tryied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a Heap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ByteBuffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> managers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reallocate=true/false
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> success.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> content
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wto
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BufferOutputStream,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> underlying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> buffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> written.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> integration:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a way
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AHC
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consume
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20mo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heap
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uploading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a 500mo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> impossible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grizzly?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notice
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Multipart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uploads,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you'd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> convert
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multipart
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buffers
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> send
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FeedableBodyGenerator.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a closer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> area
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> improved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Btw
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upload.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I receive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CXF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transmit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a storage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CXF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consume
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bevause
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> streaming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> large
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uploads
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provides
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> input
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stream
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks