Re: Fwd: StandaloneProcessor

From: Dean Pehrsson-Chapman <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 09:27:46 +0100

Thanks - this does make sense.

Coming full circle, I can make this approach work with the new connection
pool implementation if I use a Map (keyed on Connection) of BlockQueues,
does that sound right?


On 6 August 2013 22:18, Oleksiy Stashok <> wrote:

> Hi Dean,
> I see what you mean.
> In general we suggest to not use standalone mode and it will be removed in
> Grizzly 3.
> We recommend to use FilterChain approach for the server- and the
> client-side code.
> With the server-side it's clear, right?
> But with the client-side code we used to have entire logic to be
> synchronous, like with Socket or HttpURLConnection, you send a request and
> want to read a response right away in the same thread. It's still possible
> to achieve this kind of behavior with Grizzly FilterChain.
> Here is a simple HTTP client example (not the real code):
> public class Client {
> private static final Object EOF_PACKET = new Object();
> private final TCPNIOTransport transport;
> private final BlockingQueue<Object> resultQueue = new
> LinkedTransferQueue<Object>();
> private final Object readSync = new Object();
> private boolean isClosed;
> private Connection connection;
> public Client() {
> final FilterChain clientFilterChain =
> FilterChainBuilder.stateless()
> .add(new TransportFilter())
> .add(new HttpClientFilter())
> .add(new BaseFilter() {
> @Override
> public NextAction handleRead(FilterChainContext
> ctx) throws IOException {
> resultQueue.add((HttpPacket) ctx.getMessage());
> return ctx.getStopAction();
> }
> @Override
> public NextAction handleClose(FilterChainContext
> ctx) throws IOException {
> resultQueue.add(EOF_PACKET);
> return ctx.getStopAction();
> }
> }).build();
> transport = TCPNIOTransportBuilder.newInstance()
> .setProcessor(clientFilterChain)
> .build();
> }
> public synchronized void connect(SocketAddress dstAddress)
> throws IOException {
> connection = transport.connect(dstAddress).get(10,
> TimeUnit.SECONDS);
> }
> public void write(HttpPacket httpPacket) {
> connection.write(httpPacket);
> }
> public HttpPacket read() throws IOException {
> synchronized (readSync) {
> if (!isClosed) {
> final Object packet = resultQueue.take();
> if (packet != EOF_PACKET) {
> return (HttpPacket) packet;
> }
> isClosed = true;
> }
> throw new EOFException("The connection is
> closed");
> }
> }
> }
> As I said it's not a complete code, but it can give you an idea how the
> FilterChain-based Client may look like.
> Hope that will help.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> On 06.08.13 12:56, Dean Pehrsson-Chapman wrote:
> Sure, I'm just interacting with an echo server (which is working fine)
> in a synchronous way.
> // Create TCP transport
> final TCPNIOTransport transport =
> TCPNIOTransportBuilder.newInstance().build();
> transport.setProcessor(FilterChainBuilder.stateless().build());
> transport.configureStandalone(true);
> transport.start();
> Connection c = transport.connect(HOST, PORT).get();
> c.write(HeapBuffer.wrap("hello".getBytes()));
> ReadResult r = (ReadResult);
> would work fine, but that means my transport,
> once started, can only do a particular set of things (the things defined in
> the filter). I am trying to bridge a legacy communication system into
> grizzly. The server part works fine, but I think I may be trying to push a
> square peg into a round hole with the client.
> Cheers,
> Dean
> On 6 August 2013 15:47, Oleksiy Stashok <>wrote:
>> Hi Dean,
>> can you pls. share your code or attach a simple example of what you're
>> trying to achieve.
>> Did you try
>> Thanks.
>> WBR,
>> Alexey.
>> On 06.08.13 06:42, Dean Pehrsson-Chapman wrote:
>> I tend to get a lot of
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.AsyncReadQueueRecord.isFinished
>> I see a previous user who hit this issue was advised to use the filter
>> method. My particular use case is to use the shiny new connection pool -
>> how can a client grab a connection and do some work with a filter? I don't
>> understand the thinking behind the architecture here.
>> Any help gratefully received.
>> Cheers,
>> Dean
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Dean Pehrsson-Chapman <>
>> Date: 6 August 2013 10:16
>> Subject: StandaloneProcessor
>> To:
>> Hi,
>> After some fiddling about I've realised that synchronously using
>> doesn't work with a filter chain - the message is handled by the filter
>> chain and not reported to Setting the processor to be a
>> StandaloneProcessor works fine, but that seems odd to me as now you can't
>> take advantage of the filterchain mechanism. Is it correct to say that
>> there are incompatible ways of doing sync client (or even async - a
>> completion handler will never be called either) and async server?
>> Or am I just doing it wrong?
>> Cheers,
>> Dean